Posts by YoYo224

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:


    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========

    after like the 1st raid of server start my game has the tendency to not return to menu on "raid end".
    its saves progress according to the console but I just see an infinite black screen and then the game slowly starts to creep up in memory usage. the problem disappears if I uninstall FAIT.

    So I updated this morning to SPT 2.3.1. and all my crafts and hideout facilities no longer have actual output.

    All crafts are completable but the items vanish into nothingness even though the Server console logs that Items have been moved.

    Along with it the notification for the crafts being put into inventory also went missing.

    I only tried server restarts and completing raids in order to fix.

    Any sort of help is more than welcome.

    P.S. Shoutout to your discord bot saying that this is the place for support and not the discord^^