Posts by Icarus

    Since updating to 3.5.5 my performance on shoreline is terrible, previous versions had fine performance, but now every time I throw a grenade, fire a gun (or an AI does) or even just enter a new area sometimes, my fps dips to <1.

    I know shoreline isn't always the greatest for performance, but it's weird it was fine on previous versions. I don't know if it's a SPT, BSG or AMD thing, but thought I'd put it on here just in case it's a SPT thing.

    I have a home linux (ubuntu) server, and would like to be able to just run the node server there all the time, and just use the launcher on my desktop. Any chance we could get a release of the server compiled for linux? I attempted to build/run from the source code, but couldn't figure it out..


    Does this mod allow changing the spawn chance of scav bosses? (can't find sanitar to save my life).

    Is this something that can be influenced by the whole convert to pmc thing?

    I've been up and down the readme and all through the config files, but I don't see anything to adjust this.


    Can't purchase anything from traders, simply get an error message of "an unknown error occurred"
    As mentioned in the title, this not me not knowing how to purchase things in tarkov.

    this originally started on version 2.2.0, I upgraded to 2.3.1 in hopes it might fix it, but it did not.
    I made sure I followed the instructions of the upgrade carefully as I saw the warnings with version 2.3.0 .

    While I see it was listed as a known issue on later versions afterwards, I did drag a shell onto the mp-255 (revolver shotgun) not too long before this issue started I believe, in case that is relevant.

    Update: it appears I only can't purchase with rubles. I can purchase things with dollars and euros just fine, both from traders and the flea market

    Update 2: I appeared to have rubles in a docs case in my container that were causing the issue, as I removed them and was able to purchase with rubles again....

    Hopefully I gave you enough info for the debugging there, and thanks for the great mod!