Posts by January_0001

    I can't reproduce, the NCSTAR works for me, try reinstalling the mod fully and testing it by itself

    Well I found out why you can't reproduce it.

    Profile got partially corrupted. Given that I have not received this error on the previous version of the FOV fix, I'm gonna say that it got fucky after the new update. Fresh profile does not show this error.

    Thankfully, SPT profile editor exists.

    Try with no other mods installed, neither of the compatibility bridge plugins installed, making sure the included server mod is installed.

    Indeed tested. Found a more specific issue. The NCSTAR (dogshit futuristic) scope is the one that hates it.
    Errors start to pop up when I swap to the secondary sight in the hideout. To confirm, I tried the same with the Schmidt&Bender 8x and it has no issue. I have picked up the HAMR with a Leupold to test that too but it has no issue.

    Here is the updated error. Could be related. Hope it helps!

    [Exception] : IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

    EFT.InventoryLogic.SightComponent.GetCurrentOpticZoom () (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    FOVFix.method_20Patch.PatchPostfix (EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation& __instance) (at <2c71f0456e434e7fa9ffd40078b3b8cb>:0)

    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation.DMD<EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation::method_20>(EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation)

    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation.DMD<EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation::set_IsAiming>(EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation,bool)

    GClass1596.SetAiming (System.Boolean aim) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.Player+FirearmController.set_IsAiming (System.Boolean value) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.Player+FirearmController+GClass1550.SetAiming (System.Boolean isAiming) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.Player+FirearmController.SetAim (System.Boolean value) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    Class1384.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.PlayerOwner.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.GamePlayerOwner.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.HideoutPlayerOwner.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputNode.TranslateInput (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commands, System.Single[]& axes, EFT.InputSystem.ECursorResult& shouldLockCursor) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputNodeAbstract.TranslateInput (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commands, System.Single[]& axes, EFT.InputSystem.ECursorResult& shouldLockCursor) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.method_3 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commandsList, System.Single[] axesList) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.method_2 () (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.Update () (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class311:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    [Exception] : IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

    EFT.InventoryLogic.SightComponent.GetCurrentOpticZoom () (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    FOVFix.method_20Patch.PatchPostfix (EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation& __instance) (at <2c71f0456e434e7fa9ffd40078b3b8cb>:0)

    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation.DMD<EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation::method_20>(EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation)

    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation.DMD<EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation::method_22>(EFT.Animations.ProceduralWeaponAnimation,int)

    GClass2921`1[T].method_0 (T newState) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    BindableState[T].set_Value (T value) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.Player+FirearmController.DMD<EFT.Player+FirearmController::ChangeAimingMode>(EFT.Player/FirearmController)

    Class1384.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.PlayerOwner.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.GamePlayerOwner.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.HideoutPlayerOwner.TranslateCommand (EFT.InputSystem.ECommand command) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputNode.TranslateInput (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commands, System.Single[]& axes, EFT.InputSystem.ECursorResult& shouldLockCursor) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputNodeAbstract.TranslateInput (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commands, System.Single[]& axes, EFT.InputSystem.ECursorResult& shouldLockCursor) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.method_3 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] commandsList, System.Single[] axesList) (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.method_2 () (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    EFT.InputSystem.InputManager.Update () (at <89c8c8aab2ad44ff89f90df9bc38d688>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class311:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)


    I've come back with some more conclusive results, as promised in my comment.

    Turns out something regarding animations breaks whenever I install the latest version of the FOVfix.

    The way I reproduce the issue is by doing enough separate, relatively consecutive animations (eating food, swapping guns after, and then throwing a nade).

    Unfortunately the error spam is so big that it came out to 11mb and it cannot be uploaded to SPT. I have uploaded the latest errors before the crash (the SAIN error is unrelated. Never happened again, as I was trying to nade a Sniper Scav and it couldn't find a hide-point.)

    I hope this helps.

    Here is all the additional information.

    Symptoms: animation lockup, according to shadow. Looks like my guy is hunched over and stuck. Kinda like the previous healing anim bug, but this time with anything. Opening the inventory will soft lock the player. Quitting via the menu is possible in some cases, others require a full alt+f4.

    Reproducing measures: grab a lot of food, water and nades. Start using them. Eventually, the bug will happen.

    Mods that could interfere: SamSwat FOV (latest), Geff's Scope and Red dot overhaul (updated version from you.)
    Custom items: excluded intentionally to prevent conflicts. No difference in result.
    Other mods relating to animations: SSH combat overhaul. Tested but made no difference.
    SPT version: 3.5.8
    Pirated? No. SPT launcher is present, and a clean copy of the game was made for testing (can be retested upon request).

    I can grab a more extended error log if need be, but that one is the one that kills my game. Thank you in advance for the consideration and I hope that the info provided is sufficient.

    EDIT: additional parameters;

    Realism mod? No realism mod usage in my game.
    Fontaine's Combat overhaul: no.

    January_0001 added a new file:

    Hi All,

    I've got a peculiar issue here, and I'm not sure it's intended to be this way.
    Before I swapped my PC, I played with Fin's AI rework just fine, but for some reason now, the bots accuracy goes completely against what the OP says: PMC and Scavs are absolute monsters and will instantly one shot headshot you at ridiculous distances (for example, here's a guaranteed way I got myself killed: sniping from med tent to glass corridor. Tested with one PMC, and tried changing up the difficulty: instant headshot.)

    I also have Santa Claus consistently spawning, and it didn't happen before, so that's also strange.

    Lowering the difficulty does not impact the accuracy. It's always instant one shot kill, head-eyes.