Hello Fin, (or other hooman that might be able to assist)
So previously I asked about increasing the total raid time vs keep spawning scavs/PMC over the entire duration of the raid (see post here).
I've increased the raid time to 2 hours (120min, 7200sec) and set the "end_spawn_at_time_seconds" in the advanced spawn config.json to 7200. Spawns (tab) in the config editor are set to 20 waves for scavs, 10 for raiders & pmc's. Maximum bot alive at once is set to 40. Evenly spawned is on, extra waves at start and spawn all bots at start are set to false.
After a 10-15min's however the raid dies out, and I don't see any more spawn messages anymore in the server console. Is there an option I'm missing or is the 'perpetual dangerous raid' I'm going for not possible? I simply don't want to be able to run around in a empty raid.