Posts by Jimothy

    So... anyone know how to make scavs stop spawning with a ton of injectors?

    I don't mind pmcs or even raiders having a couple... but it really just feels like I'm walking out of every raid with a random assortment of 20+ injectors.

    Rogues shouldn't be spawning on those maps if you've set those values to 0. You can check the _waves.json files for each map inside of your donottouch/debug folder to see precisely what types of bots are being spawned: exUsec means rogue, and pmcbot means raider. Are either of those appearing in your _waves.json files?

    Can confirm, I'm also getting rogue spawns. In addition to my earlier 1-wave precedent of issue with pmc spawns... (mind you, this only occurs with the option to replace vanilla scavs with pmcs, "normal" pmc spawns seem to work fine, but I like my maps a little bit louder so having pmcs spawning inside groups of scavs as well gets the map sounding like it's not just me with pve disabled).

    I haven't seen the issue of them being called bosses again recently... maybe that was a fluke, but I can confirm it did happen.
    I am however seeing the PMCs (can confirm they're pmcs based on gear settings... mind you, these are the ones that spawn with lootable melees and no tags though) counting as rogue kills. Sometimes as raiders? but I might be wrong on that since my pmc gear settings and raider gear settings are so similar and I do have it so there's a 2% chance for a vanilla scav to be a raider because why not.

    It's something that only started happening when I began messing with FAIT settings to allow pmcs to replace some vanilla scav spawns, no issues with it prior to using that setting.


    Here's that if you want it, it's not a hugely problematic bug... but at the same time, finding "pmcs" with lootable RR's is both exciting... and a bit game breaky since I was planning on farming the shturmeister for that just to be able to enjoy reserve.

    Heya. So I've got a bug that's kinda annoying.

    The option to replace vanilla wave scavs with pmcs will spawn bots with pmc gear settings... but it won't give them their dogtag and their melee becomes lootable. It might have other issues, but that's what I can confirm.

    Update, killed 3 "pmcs" and 1 normal pmc in that raid. the 3 "pmc" kills were counted as boss kills, the pmc that dropped their dogtag counted as a pmc.