Posts by Kronzky

    Oh well... Screws up my hardcore mode a bit (where you can't purchase any items), but I guess I'll just have to whitelist the suppressor then.

    But thanks for looking!

    Slightly different topic, but still somewhat related: Should the Golden TT be in airdrops?

    The Wiki says it can only be acquired by killing Reshala, but I guess I can keep him alive now after all...

    Roubles are getting deleted from secure containers when you die.

    It does not happen with other currencies, but with all the different containers. It also doesn't matter if the money is directly in the secure container, or within another pouch that's in the container.

    Whether it happens or not seems to depend on your player level.

    A new profile (at level 1) will keep the money upon dying, but on higher levels you will start losing it. (Not sure where the cut-off point is.)

    Here's a repro with a newly created profile (Standard edition), whose level was set to 22 with the profile editor.

    This has been reported before, but the thread was closed.

    It is still happening though, and reproduceable.