Posts by LaurentMEKKA

    LaurentMEKKA added a new version:


    Very small fix to get rid of the warning in the server. No need to update if you are ok with the warning.

    Changed invalid item in Elder's assort for the Strandhogg barter trade to get rid of server warning:

    "Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for , defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author"

    LaurentMEKKA added a new version:


    Updated for 3.7.X compatibility. As always since this is a pretty complex mod, please let me know if you come across any errors.

    LaurentMEKKA added a new version:


    Should now be fully compatible with SPT 3.5.3 now that the devs fixed the issue with multiple possible item turn ins for one quest condition! Please note that you will need to update to 3.5.3 to fix this if you are on 3.5.1 or 3.5.2!

    Fixed Alternative and Legacy bundles

    Some code cleaning

    To spawn raiders (here in customs) :

    "usec_type": "exUsec", ---> USEC PMCs will have the AI of rogues (same as live)

    "bear_type": "followerBigPipe", --> BEAR PMCs will have the AI of Big Pipe (same as live)

    For rogues, I'm not sure

    LaurentMEKKA added a new version:


    Traders appear on Flea

    - Still a problem with items unlocked disappearing from trader's inventory after a raid, and re appear when you launch the game again. No idea how to resolve this, HELP !!!!!

    Did you enabled Behaviour Changes? If you did, it sometimes makes the PMCs friendly towards you as a Player SCAV. Disabling/False should set it back to normal.

    Thanks I will try, but it's everyone, PMCs, Raiders... even with scav war and tagged and cursed activated, scavs don't attack me.

    Anyone has problem where they dont get any Sniper's spawning in customs?

    Also if i want new bosses to spawn on customs do i need to spawn only BossKnight or also

    followerBirdEye, and followerBigPipe ??

    Or if i choose Bossknight fallowers will spawn randomly?

    Same problem, latest version, no sniper

    LaurentMEKKA added a new version:


    - Compatible with SPT 3.2

    - Rebalanced rewards - You earn at most 100x less Dollars and Euros if you gain Roubles, Dollars and/or Euros (example : if a quest reward is 50000 roubles, and also dollars, you will earn at most 500 dollars).

    - Small adjustments in French translation ("headshot" = "tir à la tête").

    LaurentMEKKA added a new file: