Posts by Evergreen

    I had the same problem, yesterday in fact. I found a response online saying to delete a section of code in a particular file, but that didn't work for me. What I did was use KMC Server Value Modifier mod, it has an option to enable all quests in the game. I chose that option, went in and accepted Textiles Part 2, turned it in (I had all of the items already), then shut the game down, went back into the mod and turned off all quests being available and that was that. Start the game back up again and you're good to go.

    If you go this route, just make sure to turn in the correct Textiles Part 2, because there will be two of them. One for USEC and one for BEAR. You can tell the difference by the intro dialogue used for the quest. Look up the quest on the wiki and it will show you the dialogue for each faction, so you can pick the one that matches up with whatever your character is.

    I'm relatively new to SPT so have never upgraded versions until today. I was using 3.2, and today I upgraded to 3.2.2. When you upgrade to a new version, does this require you to make a new Tarkov profile? Essentially start a new game? I'm getting the "file hash doesn't match the expected hash, you may be using the wrong version" error.

    I first installed 3.2 when the game was 19078, so naturally this is the game version my save file is tied to. Are my only options to go back to using 3.2, or start a new game with 3.2.2?

    Nevermind, I used the patcher to downgrade and it appears to work correctly now.

    Is anyone else dealing with the issue of weapons losing durability after repairs, even after selecting the option within this mod to stop this? I have this option selected for both weapons and armor, and for armor it works perfectly and my items are restored to 100 percent condition every time. For weapons it's not working at all, and repairs from either my weapon repair kit or a trader always cause durability loss.

    Just trying to figure out why this is happening if I'm the only one experiencing this.

    Running 3.2 and have noticed many Collector quest items, according to the wiki, aren't on my list for the Collector quest. These are the items I've found that aren't listed under the quest:

    - Firesteel

    - Cassette tape

    - Missam forklift key

    - BakeEzy cook book

    - Press pass

    - Bear Buddy toy

    - Axel parrot

    - Golden egg

    There are several more that I haven't found yet and I'm sure at least some of them won't be on the list. Is this a bug or was this quest altered on purpose for SPT?

    I must be brain dead but this thing just will not work for me. All of the files listed on the error screen are in the server folder, and in the right place. The user/profile folder isn't in the server folder, so I made a copy of it and placed it in there. Nothing is working. Is the user/profile folder supposed to be in the server folder by default? I found it odd that this folder is listed but isn't in there.

    Edit: Nevermind, all I had to do was select the main SPT folder. The install instructions are a bit confusing and I was led to believe I needed to select the actual server folder. So for anyone having problems, just select your SPT folder, or whatever you named it. Your main folder that has everything inside. I think the install instructions should be updated to make this more clear.