Posts by MrUlfen

    As i know, Lua disabled gifter as boss in his Luaplayerbossscav mod and lua spawn rework, as i see - your errors make sense, because they about Gifter loadout generation. So you didnt read descriptions like usual or used old patterns for Spawn rework.

    Want to play? Fix it from your side and delete everything, related to Gifter in FAIT and SpawnRework, or just in Fait (if you add gifter into AI categories and\or Gear) + use default patterns from Lua with latest 2.1.0 ver.

    i dont use any other patterns. i can se on the lua config that lua default is set to 60 somthing so i set it to one im not shure that fixes it tho.

    "default_pattern": "Lua-Default",

    "use_random_patterns": false,

    "random_patterns": {

    "Lua-Default": 67,




    when i'm loading reserver for an example i get this error and no bots are spawned











    it happens if i enable gear changes but i want it on true bcause its good is there a way to fix this ?



    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Mod 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567 is not compatible with slot 'cartridges' for item 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108

    Mod 601949593ae8f707c4608daa is not compatible with slot 'cartridges' for item 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108

    Mod 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567 is not compatible with slot 'cartridges' for item 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    Weapon with tpl 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 has no magazine or chamber

    No ammo found for bot type gifter

    Error: bot generation failed

    Error: bot generation failed

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:7636:19)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:7659:21)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:7161:61)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:6857:52)

    at BotGenerator.generate (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:6809:24)

    at BotController.generate (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:3064:34)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:53:61)

    at $de60112e0288ef4d$export$1dd35d19c79daa7c.action (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:15086:42)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:13983:61)

    at Proxy.handleRoute (C:\Games 3.2.0\obj\bundle.js:14299:41)


    I tried setting the amount to "high" as well as to "horde" on a clean install with no mods and the best I can get is a handful of scavs spawning about eight minutes into the raid.

    I also tried using the newest version of Fin's AI Tweaks, but those spawn changes did nothing as well.

    did u play on LAB'S when this happend