Posts by uw0tm8

    I ran the latest SPT-AKI installer, and when I go to run Aki.Server.exe, it pops up for about a half a second, and then disappears. I tried to run the .exe from command prompt and got the following:


    Importing configs...

    There's still an error!

    Error: Cannot inject the dependency "configServer" at position #1 of "Watermark" constructor. Reason:

    Expected "[", "false", "null", "true", "{", number, or string but end of input found.

    Error: Cannot inject the dependency "configServer" at position #1 of "Watermark" constructor. Reason:

    Expected "[", "false", "null", "true", "{", number, or string but end of input found.

    at c:\SPT\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:324:23

    at (<anonymous>)

    at c:\SPT\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:295:38

    at InternalDependencyContainer.construct (c:\SPT\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:297:11)

    at InternalDependencyContainer.resolveRegistration (c:\SPT\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:166:51)

    at InternalDependencyContainer.resolve (c:\SPT\node_modules\tsyringe\dist\cjs\dependency-container.js:109:33)

    at $e4767385b4d68427$export$b6c59b989905b650.start (c:\SPT\obj\bundle.js:18387:24)

    at Object.<anonymous> (c:\SPT\obj\bundle.js:18406:31)

    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)

    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)


    I am not sure how to proceed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!