Those changes were not under my control, those changes are made by AKI team, but it does fit the idea, PMC are supposed to have Non-marked equipment.

    Thanks for the answer. I had suspicions that this was related to AKI (I just decided to find out from you personally) since I constantly use your mod.
    P.S. Do you plan to add a function that would remove the black and white effect after using painkillers?

    I noticed one more feature in the latest version of SVM-1.7.2H1, after the raid, killed PMCs have melee weapons and grenades (what you took from the raid) without check marks, in previous versions of SVM this was not the case, all picked up weapons and grenades are from the corpses of enemies After the raid, in the cache (what I brought out) was marked.

    I confirm the problem described above by the user Majuleznfs. I've had this problem with wild pockets that are reset by default after a raid since version AKI -3.5.8/SMV-1.6.5, now I have version EFT- AKI -3.7.3/SMV-1.7.2H1

    Very strange !!! Each change and save of the profile through the SPT-AKI Profile Editor resets the Ragfair ratio to 0.20 (although I did not edit the Ragfair parameters), before saving the profile I had a reputation of 1.20.

    I thought that may be the issue, but I also tested with exclusively this mod enabled, same issue.

    Experimental tab (it's tough), I don't use it. Try disabling one tab at a time (and checking in-game to see if the problem is gone) so you can identify which tab is causing the problem. And then look in the problem tab, which functions need to be disabled.

    Not sure if this has been reported/answered already, but whenever I have this mod enabled, I can't shoot. Like the gun fires, it uses ammo and reacts properly, but no bullet is produced. No markers are made, no damage is dealt, the AI don't even react to it. I also noticed that AI completely ignore me as well, and the only way I can interact with them is through melee, in which they take damage then run away for a little bit. I can chase them down, kill them, loot them as normal. It's just the guns that are broken for me. It applies to every gun I equip (that I've tested) as well.

    Anyone else have this problem? Am I missing something?

    I have been using this mod for a very long time, I have never seen such a bug (when using this mod), maybe you have a conflict with another mod (what mods do you have installed?).

    I understand that this version does not work on SPT-AKI 3.5.0 (it constantly gives an error at startup, something related to the daily?) will there be an update for SPT-AKI 3.5.0.????