So, this issue started yesterday when I first started modding the game, I initially only had Lua-ExamineAllItems, Valens-AIO_1.3.1, and GearGal installed. I did a few raids and quest, then I went and downloaded some other trader mods, so AKGUY, MaidTraders, Priscilu, and Armalite-Reloaded(AR Shoppe). I noticed when I went to the new traders, GearGal no longer worked, she worked before installing the new trader mods. Then with the MaidTraders, Nameless Maid works just fine, but Little Maid does not. I was clicking on all of traders, and I noticed it's only modded traders that don't work. Which are AR Shoppe, Little Maid, and GearGal that don't work. I have no clue what the issue could be, I've gone throught all of their mod configs and made sure everything was correct, yet they still don't work. I will provide screenshots off all vender issues. Any solution?