Posts by Spectr0h

    You can go in to the json files for loot Aki_Data/server/database/loot/staticLoot and you will see a huge list of item with their ID's but unfortunately I don't know which one is for Golden TT, Schturman key or anything high tier you will have to dig in to this yourself. I believe if you raise the "relativeProbabilty" value you will have a better percentage chance for that to spawn in raids but I haven't tested this myself.

    These items id's

    Golden TT: "5b3b713c5acfc4330140bd8d"

    Shturman's stash key: "5d08d21286f774736e7c94c3"

    The archive that you need to edit probably is: "Aki_Data/server/database/bots/types/bossbully.json"