Posts by blacksurgeon

    Latest Version 1.0.1 and 1.0.0 - Occurs on Linux

    Fixed (no errors occurs when starting the server) it in


    Line 26,27

        public modPath: string = path.join(process.cwd(), "/user/mods/SkillsExtended/");
        public profilePath: string = path.join(process.cwd(), "/user/profiles");

    Not sure if there is a universal solution.

    Sounds like a similar problem I'm encountering.
    In my case, EFT crashes randomly. Sometimes after a few seconds after raid start and sometimes in the middle of a raid.
    In Windows I can see log entries (Eventmanager) that UnityPlayer.dll caused the issue or is involved.

    Looking into the logs of spt, I find nothing unsual. Also there is no error message popping up directly after the CTD.

    Under %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov (you can copy that into you're explorer to get directly to this folder) there a some logfiles. Especially Player.log and Player-prev.log - from the previous session and the one before the previous.
    If EFT itself crashed you can find a StackTrace on the end of each logfile. Search in those for "Crash!!!"

    Here is mine for example:…dSqpABxJ3CCQuPNhFmGfNDgV3

    I'm still working out what the cause of the problem is. Firstly I thought it is caused by a Mod but this error happened also with the previous Aki Version which used to work flawlessly. So it seems that something in my system changed. I noticed some WHEA (less than 10 and mostly they coincident with a crash of EFT) logged by HWiNFO64. Nevertheless I did a integrety check with the EFT launcher, reinstalled AKI freshly, played without mods (no error so far) and then installed mod after mod with tests in between. When I thought I found the bad guy, I was proofed wrong.

    Hope this helps gathering more info for solving your issue.

    Best of luck!

    With the latest SptAKI (3.7.3) following error occurs after exiting a raid as a pmc.
    NLE version 6.0.4
    Game is stuck afterwards with a black screen.

    Forgot to mention when the error appears. After clicking on the trader icon from the trader menu. (whole log)

    [Warning:BrokerTraderPlugin] ReflectionHelper.FindClassTypeByMethodNames [AmbiguousMatch-Key]: ApproxEquals-LowAccuracyApprox-IsZero-Positive-Negative-ZeroOrNegative-Clamp-Multiply-Divide-Scale
    [Warning:BrokerTraderPlugin] ReflectionHelper.FindClassTypeByMethodNames [AmbiguousMatch]: GClass782, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    [Warning:BrokerTraderPlugin] ReflectionHelper.FindClassTypeByMethodNames [AmbiguousMatch]: SAIN.Combat.Helpers.MathHelpers, SAIN-Combat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    [Warning:BrokerTraderPlugin] ReflectionHelper.FindClassTypeByMethodNames [AmbiguousMatch]: SAIN.Movement.Helpers.MathHelpers, SAIN-Movement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    [Error  :ModulePatch] BrokerTraderPlugin error! Threw an exception during GetUserItemPrice patch, perhaps due to version incompatibility. Exception message: The type initializer for 'BrokerTraderPlugin.Reflections.Extensions.MathHelper' threw an exception.

    I get this error when the client is loading the profile.

    I could narrow it down to "KcY-SeeItemValue 1.4.2" but I don't get why it's not loading because the listed mods were used with 3.2.1 too.

    Maybe EFT change something in the item database and that's the reason why SeeItemValue doesn't work anymore / causes an error.

    Here is my profile json if it's also needed: profile.json

    Please let me know if there's more information needed!

    Thanks for your time and effort!