Sounds like a similar problem I'm encountering.
In my case, EFT crashes randomly. Sometimes after a few seconds after raid start and sometimes in the middle of a raid.
In Windows I can see log entries (Eventmanager) that UnityPlayer.dll caused the issue or is involved.
Looking into the logs of spt, I find nothing unsual. Also there is no error message popping up directly after the CTD.
Under %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov (you can copy that into you're explorer to get directly to this folder) there a some logfiles. Especially Player.log and Player-prev.log - from the previous session and the one before the previous.
If EFT itself crashed you can find a StackTrace on the end of each logfile. Search in those for "Crash!!!"
Here is mine for example:…dSqpABxJ3CCQuPNhFmGfNDgV3
I'm still working out what the cause of the problem is. Firstly I thought it is caused by a Mod but this error happened also with the previous Aki Version which used to work flawlessly. So it seems that something in my system changed. I noticed some WHEA (less than 10 and mostly they coincident with a crash of EFT) logged by HWiNFO64. Nevertheless I did a integrety check with the EFT launcher, reinstalled AKI freshly, played without mods (no error so far) and then installed mod after mod with tests in between. When I thought I found the bad guy, I was proofed wrong.
Hope this helps gathering more info for solving your issue.
Best of luck!