Posts by Tederal200

    Can you tell me how to do this?

    go to the \spt310\Aki_Data\Server\database\locations file path and then from there you will have a list of maps. Open the folder of the map whose boss spawns you want to edit (the folders should all be the same name as the map that they correspond to except for the folder "bigmap" corresponding to customs) and then go into the base.json file. Search for "bosschance" using ctrl+f and from there you can find a percentage value of that specific boss

    Having trouble changing the aggressive behavior of the AI. All of the AI that spawn in don't run at all and they just walk everywhere which leads me to believe that their behavior isn't being put on "aggressive" even though in the config that is the only option with any weight and thus every AI spawned should be "aggressive." They even walk after being shot at even if I don't hit them instead of running to cover or running directly towards me. I have no other mods that modify how the AI behaves other than the "Server Value Modifier" mod, however all of the options that effect how the AI behaves are disabled and I am loading the FAIT mod last whenever I start up the game (I added a bunch of Z's to the beginning of the FAIT folder name in the mods folder).

    I attached my config down below just in case it's an error on my end.

    Debug Hash:

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