Posts by Strahhe

    quotations only need to go around strings

    Of course!!!! How did I forget that. Thank you so much! :D:D:D

    Wait actually hang on. In every example I've seen in .json files the variables always come in quotes? Even the ones that come in your ...\db\itemsToAdd.json has every variable (is that the right term) come in quotes. I thought my mistake was I put the variable values in quotes but I didn't. The int and float values I put were not in quotes, only the variables because I was following .json examples from other mods ^^ .

    Example from another item in your ...\db\itemsToAdd.json:

    ***added my own line comments to compare my understanding

    So following this logic shouldn't this work the same? I also double-checked the variable names and capitalization in the item DB

    Experts feel free to correct me.

    Looks like a compatibility issue between MacrossMX-Weapons Armory (MX Armory) and zFin-Bot Inventory Tweaks (FAIT). Got a bit of experience troubleshooting this issue myself and good news is I kind of figured out how to work around it.

    The clue is that the bot generator thingamajig tp1 keeps quoting failure to load weapons RD545, SAG762 and ASTM9. These are the caliber-modified receivers from MX Armory. When FAIT tries to load the bots, by default it would populate the loadout for these bots. It recognized stuff that shouldn't work (foreign, unknown) and doesn't like it and refused to load the loadout and therefore the bots too.

    Easiest thing you can do is of course to uninstall either FAIT or MX Armory.

    But if you insist on having both of them, what you can try is to go into the FAIT config_editor.exe and one of the following:

    1. Under the General tab > Mod functions, set:
      • Disable all gear changes: true
    2. Or, you can keep the value above to false, but you have to go to the Gear tab and set:
      • Allow bot to use weapon from other mods to False on all three columns.
      • You can also do the same for Allow bot to use gear from other mods if you don't want bots to use gear from other mods you have for example.

    Then go to the top left of the window, File > Save.

    Note that this doesn't only apply to MX Armory-FAIT combo. Any mod that would add new items/weapons or modify existing ones (especially "extreme" modifications) will always have a chance to mess with the bot generator in FAIT. AllTheBackupSights by TEOA also have this conflict, for example.

    Personally I've forced myself to uninstall MX Armory because I really need FAIT for some reason and I found myself spending more time troubleshooting than actually playing the game which is not how I want to spend my off days. But you decide what you want.

    So I checked out your code, really neat! Particularly interested in propOverrides in ...\db\itemsToAdd.json, so I tried copying some stuff over from one of my own overrides I already made (based on TEOA's OP RPK-2 codes) with the default rigs:

    Curiously enough the stats don't reflect at all, not a single one. Did I do something wrong? Sorry I'm just a hack and just doing this based on eyeballing, trial-and-error and educated guesses; I can't actually code lol

    Added the PP-91 Klin and the M32A1 Milkor to the ban list for bot gear. Still somehow able to generate bots some rounds while failing some others. Only difference is it just fails without any printed reason. I'm guessing this is one of those server bugs that just happens sometimes. I think I'll be fine if I restart the server every 2-3 games. This is solved for me.

    Bots not loading. Suspecting this to be a conflict with MacrossMX's ASSORTED WEAPONS ARMORY 1.2.2 based on the errors mentioning caliber data.

    So I removed that mod, but I still have this:

    Note that in both cases the issue seems to mention 57f4c844245977379d5c14d1 which is the PP-19 Klin.

    Saw that there's a new version out (4a) and downloaded that one, put all my mods back in and still have this:

    Gonna do more tests.


    changed disablegearchanges to true:

    Note that I renamed the folder although I don't think that should do anything.

    Final update for now:

    Can't live without FAIT, so I deleted ASSORTED WEAPONS AND ARMORY and AllTheBackupSights. Every 3-4 rounds it's still throwing me errors re: not being able to find the cartridge for M32A1 though I think that was residual stuff stuck in my profile. The server would still retry the bot generation and would sometimes be successful. Works for me!