Does this happen when doing offline raids in live tarkov?
Watch your RAM usage, is it hitting 100% or close to it?
No it does not happen in live tarkov.
I think it use above 50%
Does this happen when doing offline raids in live tarkov?
Watch your RAM usage, is it hitting 100% or close to it?
No it does not happen in live tarkov.
I think it use above 50%
Can you explain what you mean by freezes?
Does the game crash, forcing you to close it?
Yea game freeze after about 10-15 sekonds and stays that way, forcing me to close the game and retry
so far its customs and customs only that make my game freeze and then crash. I have tried lowering my graphics settings and also set Ai amount to low before entering raid, still freezez more often than not
When searching "endurance not leveling" on forum, this thread comes up. does this file of yours fix that?