Posts by Rick287

    Are you talking the bug where if you use freelook while ADSing, it'll zoom in a bit? Yeah it's a weird free QoL feature, I'll look into how to make it toggleable.

    I don't know if I explained it correctly so here are the pictures showing the issue before and after freelooking while aiming down sights (this applies to every optic, irons, etc from what I tested):

    With the way BSG reimplemented freelook, there's an issue with the FOV being zoomed back in to the sight's default FOV when out of freelook while aiming down sights. You can fix this in game by switching between sights or ADSing again but a more seamless transition would be a nice QoL feature.
    In the older versions, BSG didn't touch the FOV settings at all while freelooking (hence why it got disabled) so when paired with a mod that brought back freelooking in those versions, you could have seamless ADS to freelook transitions without the FOV being reset to the sight's default.

    Great work putting out an update for the newest SPT version so fast, you need to take a break or something :D

    One question:
    "Raiders can now be converted to PMCs on labs." Is this automatically enabled for labs from the get go or does the user have to manually change it within the mod config files? If so, which config file/line determines raider conversion on the labs map? I remember in the previous versions, pmcbot conversion had no effect on labs leading to raids with just nightmare amounts of raiders when bot population was set to high (unsure if conversion rate ever took effect on other maps).

    I have a feature suggestion, there is a low ready animation in game which can be seen in the hideout if you try out your weapons in the range area but look away from the range. It'd be kinda cool to be able to toggle low ready just for immersion/realism. I don't know how plausible it is adding these to bot AI and the player character while in raid, just an idea.

    I made a fresh profile and cannot reproduce what you're seeing:

    Can you provide me steps to make your issue occur when using a new profile with no mods?

    I made 2 fresh test profiles (One Bear, one USEC) on an unmodified game and the issue still persists. These are the steps I took
    1. Remove all traces of mod including any BepInEX plugins
    2. Create a new profile (Chose SPT Easy Start mode)
    3. Launch game

    These are addtional pics I took of the issue:

    1. New profile start

    2. Shows that I have it equipped but it's "locked"

    3. I can change into bought clothing

    4. After server shutdown and relaunch of application, this is what it shows me again

    I cannot change my PMCs clothing and the clothing options show as a resolution option instead. The clothing items that I already own can be rebought and then the options will show up as normal as well as being able to change clothing as normal, but as soon as the server shuts down and I relaunch the application, the clothing options cannot be changed and shows up as resolution options again.

    There's some Windows tomfoolery happening here. I tried it on another PC and a VM, it ran on the VM but not the PC. I'll get to the bottom of this and hopefully get an .exe that works for everyone.

    Mind me asking what version of Windows you're running?

    "Windows tomfoolery" :D . Can confirm the exe launches properly now!

    There's some Windows tomfoolery happening here. I tried it on another PC and a VM, it ran on the VM but not the PC. I'll get to the bottom of this and hopefully get an .exe that works for everyone.

    Mind me asking what version of Windows you're running?

    Windows 10 Home, 22H2. Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0

    Oh dear. Maybe you have an anti-virus that doesn't like it? For now you can still edit the file manually, it just isn't formatted and doesn't have comments.

    I just double checked with my anti-virus software (I just have the default Windows 10 anti-virus), tried first by adding an exclusion for the file and folder, and eventually turned it off completely and I am still unable to run it.

    I have set the "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent" to a very low number (set it to about 10 before bumping it down to a 2) and all PMC bots of the same faction still attack me on sight (happens on every map). I have noticed this issue prior to installing any mods on a fresh copy of SPT and the issue still persisted. I have tested once again recently on vanilla SPT (with the exception of pmc bot spawn rate and hostility chance edited) to ensure this wasn't a mod issue.

    1. yeah that'd be the property to edit, the 3 sections are for the 3 base bot tiers, so you'd want to edit each of them. Just make sure the value is between 1-100.

    2. Not a bug. I made certain hats and masks incompatible to prevent bots from spawning with clipping gear as unfortunately BSG hasn't made the effort of editing the meshes depending on what combination you wear. I could make it optional in the future

    Appreciate the response! It definitely would be nice to see being able to wear certain headgear and masks again as an optional setting

    Two questions:
    1. Is it possible to edit bots (particularly PMCs of the same faction) so they have a low chance to be hostile? if so which config file would I have to edit within the mod? I see that there is a botconfig.json file in db > bots and there are 3 PMC archetypes within the file with the "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent", unsure if editing this portion would cause issues.

    2. Not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature but I cannot seem to equip CF mask or any other similar masks with a ballcap anymore when the mod is installed. Picture below