Posts by nyrus

    nyrus added a new file:


    Reuploaded version of the original Pause mod, see more details there! No significant changes here, just made sure it is working with 3.8.0

    All credits goes to epidemicz and yahkub!

    I will be able to provide little to none support for it, as I was just rebuilt it & fixed a minor bug.

    Coming to report that I'm encountering the same issue amethyst and MrBlu1911 mentioned above.

    Examining ammo shows the "blablabla" label, data shows as "5/90" and game seizes up trying to close the screen.

    Hello! Yes, I am experiencing the same. :(

    Hello! Just for confirmation, this was also happened to me as well. Havent checked the log that much, but the simptoms are actually the exact same (also on Reserve - in the middle of looting a PMC, disappearing UI, frozen character, unable to move or interract etc) Thank you Misha600 for riporting it!

    I think I will try to reduce airdrop chance to 0 and see if it prevents it from happening when I get the chance to play a bit again.