Posts by Yakhmet

    Yakhmet added a new version:


    The mod is back, I have no idea if someone already made a mod with the same functions, but here you go. The code is reworked and we are using jsons now. You can create packs of price sets and easily turn off them by taking them out from MyCustomPricePacks folder.

    Thanks to Platinum's The Blacklist mod, it was a good reference for me to do the rework stuff. I recommend y'all to check that mod as well, it can fit better for your goals.

    Yakhmet added a new version:


    I had to change the Updater's code since it was not able to get prices, it works fine now.

    Yakhmet added a new version:


    Just added an optional file for no 0 to 10k price change on updater.

    Yakhmet added a new version:


    The data reader part had an important bug that prevents your additional data to not be readed somehow, so I have done a small change and it seems it is working now.

    Yakhmet added a new version:

    Yakhmet added a new version:

    Yakhmet added a new version:

    Yakhmet added a new version:


    Small changes and some reformatting, classic hotfix after release

    Yakhmet added a new file:


    This mod basically draws live prices from Tarkov.Dev's API. Besides of that, you can add manual prices as well, and the manual prices you add will override the live prices. You can create sets of manual price files and manage them easily to make them suit for your goals.

    You guys can drop your ideas, I will add them by time. PLEASE READ README EITHER FROM GITHUB OR README.txt IN GAME FILES