Posts by Shaz


    I'm using FOV fix 1.7.3 with ACOG4Life rework, SamSWAT VuduOverhaul and Civiciam mods that copy gear in other colours.
    I've tried several boot order, and this is the one working best for now:

    ACOG4Life rework
    FOV Fix
    Civiciam mods
    SamSWAT Vudu

    Other orders I tested resulting in coloured Vudu counterparts being bugged and not zooming properly

    Yet I still get different behaviours:
    Coloured Vudu work fine, just no switch animation when zooming, but I guess this is just normal.
    On standard Vudu, the red aiming reticule is growing larger when zooming in, and the distance zeroing is changing while zooming (as another user reported in the comments part).

    Video showing the behaviours

    Anything I can do on my end?

    You have a faceshield on, read the overview page and look over config

    OH MY....

    i kinda forgot there was this feature....

    On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest IQ member on this plateform, i'm probably somewhere in the negatives...

    Thanks for the quick fix! I was using Ops-Core FAST visor for a long time and didn't have any problem, since, well, it's a visor and not a face shield... What really threw me away is the active aim feature, since i don't really understand what use it had (until now), i didn't link it. Everything's clear now!

    Hey, it's me again with some more strange bugs, probably coming from some conflicting mods.
    Strange thing is, i updated to last FOV fix (and realism) and played for hours, without a problem. Didn't change anything after that, and i'm unable to aim normally, when i press right click, i'm switching to active aim stance (while i have the standard binds). I tried to switch aim to another bind but nothing happens. Active aim stance stays on right click no matter what.

    Video of the issue

    I'm trying to install the mods one by one to see where it starts to go south, but it takes time... Any idea? should i install / start in a particular order?

    Here is the list of my last downloads, mind that there are multiple version of same mod as i update them daily.

    After some testing, it seems it isn't mod related but tied to my profile:
    old mods, old profile: no problem
    new mods, old profile: no problem
    any version with recent profile, active aim bug.
    I guess i'll try to clean it and i'll report.

    Sorry for using the space here as it seems it has nothing to do with Realism.

    The recoil looks different than standard Realism's so you must have changed config settings and/or are using other recoil mods.

    Yes, i was stupid enough to download all your mods and put it together without thinking too much, and i didn't realise there was a recoil stand-alone, it was obviously conflicting with the recoil mod from realism. Thank you for the update, and the heads-up!


    Reporting issue with 3.6.1 and Realism Airdrops: Box drops correctly to the ground but items aren't generated, so it's impossible to open the container.

    I will try to disable airdrop option and report again.

    Same problem as some reported already: mounting and bracing are conflicting with the rest of the game: the name of the stance stays written, impossible to check mag or fire mod when it is so.

    Also have a more annoying problem I can't find a fix for:
    while ADS, it is possible to move the mouse to aim and track, but when starting shooting while ADS, the weapon is locked in place, meaning it's impossible to track a moving target (from left to right, works fine on the vertical axis tho). Doesn't happen when hip-firing.

    Video showing the problem