Posts by exidevil

    Hey, very nice mod! But i'm having a weird issue.

    Everytime i equip an AR (M4, HK, etc...) or some AKs (Tested with AKMSN) i get this HUGE fps drop, which magically disappears whenever i drop or holster the gun.

    Tested for a while and it seems when i disable the recoil overhaul, this bug kinda fixes itself, but not entirely

    Do you know what it could be the reason?

    My mods:

    -SPT Realism
    -Amands Hitmarker
    -Amands Graphics

    -More Checkmarks
    -Combat Stances
    -Looting Bots

    Hey GhostFenixx, fantastic mod, almost mandatory at this point

    But since i've reinstalled SPT, i gotta ask: how do i increase my stash size? I remember in the older versions there used to be an example, but it's been replaced ever since. (I'm using EoD in my SPT btw)

    Thanks in advance!