Posts by Nemrosim

    Попробуйте отключить опцию Randomaze Stock. Все должно работать нормально. И на новом аккаунте я не вижу закрытых товаров для покупки. примерно это выглядит так. Никаких модов, кроме Realism, у меня не установлено. Вы закрыли трейдер Jaeger, который вызывает ошибку, но обрабатывается системой. If you understand Russian, then we can communicate freely))))

    Greetings, Fountaine, and everyone! I encountered this problem in the version 10.0 of Realism, during the SPT times even before 3.5.0. But then I didn’t really understand the structure of mods and there were about 10 installed mods themselves. Since then I have not enabled config options that affect traders. I`ll try to reproduce, I just did a fresh installation of SPT AKI 3.7.1 (26535), it won’t be difficult to identify if issue still present or not with only installed Realism v.0.14.5

    I looked at the code of other traders, not everything is smooth there either. But the errors are not critical because... affect the availability of the item at the merchant. The Jaeger has a more significant problem.

    Let me know how the test goes.

    A quick look at the merchant's code revealed 2 errors. Missing parameters


    and "BuyRestrictionCurrent

    There may be more errors. And about the mod conflict in your response to my message it sounded so ordinary, I even yawned....

    Good luck in your hard work!

    I deleted all modifications and created a new profile. The result is the same. The problem lies precisely with the Jaeger merchant. After the countdown to the product update has completed, the update does not occur and the timer does not start again. Accordingly, an error appears. Clearly in the screenshot. There is no such problem with other merchants.

    Thanks for the work!

    ! This issue occurs when merchants update products after a specified time. The product is not updated.

    Installed mods:

    1. Fontaine FOV Fix

    2. Skwizzy-LootingBots-1.1.4

    3. DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints-1.3.2-3.7.1

    4. SAIN.2.1.5.for.3.7.1

    5. dvize.DadGamerModeV1.7.1

    6. SamSWAT.FOV-SPT-370

    7. SamSWAT.TimeWeatherChanger

    8. AmandsGraphics.1.5.3


    10. Realism-Mod-v0.14.5-SPT-v3.7.1

    Thanks in advance for your help!