Posts by risenovsky13

    [ SOLUTION! ]

    I had the same issue and I found a way to fix that. Raiders on train station have bigger chance to spawn for some reason.

    Go to SPT folder => SPT 3.9.x\SPT_Data\Server\database\locations\rezervbase and look for file "base.jason".

    Then open it with any text editor but i highly recommend to use VS Code or at least Notepad++. CTRL + F and type in the search bar

    "BossChance" it will highlight all boss types AI in the file (probably 5 at the moment). Now you are interested on the ones that have spawn area set to => "BossZone": "ZoneRailStrorage", and "BossZone": "ZoneSubCommand". We are looking for "ZoneSubCommand" (Bunker).

    Now you have two options to fix the problem:

    - Set field "ForceSpawn" from 'false' to 'true' e.g. => "ForceSpawn": true,


    - Change the "BossChance" to higher number on bots spawning in bunker and lower on bots spawning on the train station

    You can play around with timings and delays but it's up to you. I also recommend try to play with "BossEscortAmount"

    because sometimes it feels like "MaxBotCap" affects the number of spawned raiders as well as some of them are torned into PMC which can be change using SVM => ""