Posts by Andrew_Hazard

    After recently re-installing SPT and all the mods, the Realism Mod began spamming a trader-related error into the server console. It doesn't seem to be causing any major issues at the moment, but does get quite annoying. I've tried editing the load order, and moving Realism from the top to the bottom of the load order, but that didn't change anything. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    This error is caused by mods that add new items for sale (retextured, for example) through the base script of the JustNUCore mod. It touches only the merchant whose assortment has added a new item.

    Might be a dumb question, but what is the MK4A armor equivalent to in terms of NIJ/GOST rating, cannot find much info on wiki.

    The question is of course offtopic, but I’ll answer))

    MK4A uses Osprey ceramic-composite armor plates equivalent to E-SAPI Revisions A-E (not sure they stand-alone) in conjunction with soft armor panels, and side hard elements like SSAPI or ESBI. In versions MK1,2,3 side plates placement was not provided. It is also unclear whether there were different generations of plates or whether this is the same type since MK1; if so, then the level of protection is lower, at maximum, equivalent to ISAPI (2001-2009 era). I suggest this option, based on the materials that are freely available, the armorplates look low-tech and heavy nowadays. It is also unclear what type of ceramics was used (Alumina Oxide, Silicon Carbide, Boron Carbide\Diboride). I assume the first one, it is cheap, heavier than the others, less technologically advanced in production, and in terms of implementation time it is one of the first. Based on this, the limit of such plates is to hold up rifle full energy ammunition with a hardened steel core penetrator, such as 7,62x54R LPS, PS; intermediate cartridges as 5,56x45 M855, 7,62x39 BP.

    Ammunition with a tungsteen core penetrator definately pass throught\clearly penetrates that plates and equivalent types\classes. Before 2010, such threats were not considered, so protection against them was not implemented in masse. The first were Granite plates according to the The Ratnik program in the Russia, meanwhile the USA supplied X-SAPI plates to all branches. X-SAPI much more technological and more expensive than Granite and can stops 7,62x51 M993 from SBR in point blank, 6B43\6B45 Ratnik cannot.

    SAPI\ISAPI\ESAPI\XSAPI and probably MK4A is a special treat levels classes according to customer specifications, and customer is a government.

    Or maybe MK4A plates, given British origin has European VPAM armor rating in interval PM8-PM10.

    At the moment, the GOST standard for armored products is not used in Russia; BR armor classes has been in use since 2017.

    Hello, Fontaine! It looks like "Disable Flea Blacklist" in DevTools config options is broken in SPT 3.7.4/Realism 0.14.10 latest reuploaded hotfix, even manual editing fleamarket.ts file in string "this.fleaConf.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList = true" to false, does nothing and AP ammo and top armor/platecarriers are unavailible on fleamarket in lvl60+ and still blacklisted.

    I deleted Realism and manually edited SPT server\configs\ragfair.json file string "enableBsgList": true to false, and blacklisted items became availible on flea again. Assume this is a mod issue, please look into it.

    UPD Removing the header "..this.fleaConf.dynamic.blacklist.custom = [];" strings 28-33 and string 53 in fleamarket.ts helped restore the functionality of the option.

    The Fontaine’s indignation can be understood since the topic of armor\hit zones mechanics has been discussed multiple times here in the support thread. The point here is the imbalance of the bots themselves, which hit 8 out of 10 bursts from unrealistic distances, but in reality the effectiveness of the fire would be 1-4 hits in such conditions, of which 2-3 will be stopped by armor. I recommend installing the SAIN mod and delving into the bots’ settings so that they behave honestly and realistic.

    Regarding defeating opponents, who in their right mind would count on 1-2 shots in irl? Fire is carried out until the threat is defeated or contact is lost, unless the ammunition shortages, of course. Precision fire is carried out at a distance exceeding the enemy's fire capabilities when using sniper rifles and DMRs, where you can count on a single hit.

    About the fact that there is no mod compatibility sheet, you are wrong, and you clearly didn`t read the mod description page.

    Hello, Fontaine! Is it possible to make an option so that T-7 Thermal Goggles are ADS compatible with Ironsights, like it was earlier? The goggles are rare and expensive, and this limitation making them extremely useless, from a gameplay perspective.

    Yo! Look at the current version of Realism, its 0.14.6, not 0.14.3
    Install it, delete RealismMod.cfg in BepinEx\config\ and try to reproduce an issue.

    Hello Fontaine

    I started to notice a bug with some reflex sights where the red dot but after each shot you make it change position.

    atm i only have pictures of the Leapers UTG reflex sight but i believe i used a couple more in my playthrough.

    Mods used: SPT Realism Mod

    Edit: forgot to say Im on 3.7.1 and RM 0.14.5

    Maybe this is mod feature like:

    • Parallax and Zero Shift: red dot sights and optics now have parallax simulation. When the player moves their weapon while aiming, the dot will move in the opposite direction to simulate parallax. The amount of parallax corresponds to the sight's accuracy stat. Sights with a negative accuracy stat can now also lose zero. The reticle/dot will have a chance to move away from where the bullet will impact. This chance and the amount of shift is based on the weapon's recoil and the sight's accuracy stat. Changing the sights zeroing distance will fix the loss of zero.

      Latest version of Realism v.0.14.6 has:
    • Config option to disable parallax + zero shift.

    The bug with turning 90 may be due to the fact that I have both aiming and mounting weapons assigned to the right mouse button at the same time.

    Attachments is all about FIR issue, PMC does not have FIR status on items in most slots, but the same time Scavs do, as it should be.


    Error in client log\console:

    Realism Mod: Failed to find custom preset for bot marksman at tier 2

    Weapon 5ae08f0a5acfc408fb1398a1 was generated incorrectly...

    Issue: The PMC (Bear and Usec) does not have the Found-In-Raid status for items in all slots except for the dog-tag, backpack and pockets.

    Issue 2: Once in 5 hours I got a bug with a 90 degree turn.

    All happened in v.0.14.6 SPT AKI 3.7.1

    Попробуйте отключить опцию Randomaze Stock. Все должно работать нормально. И на новом аккаунте я не вижу закрытых товаров для покупки. примерно это выглядит так. Никаких модов, кроме Realism, у меня не установлено. Вы закрыли трейдер Jaeger, который вызывает ошибку, но обрабатывается системой. If you understand Russian, then we can communicate freely))))

    Ofc I get the Russian. Although I am not a native English speaker, I am interested in improving my communication skills. Let's meet the rules, established on the resource, and communicate in English. Btw you were warned bout it earlier. "No Russian", like in COD MW2, you know))

    Jaeger is off coz its USEC side+Edge of Darkness profile type combination on the start. As I said before, there is no issue on clear install SPT+Realism in all combinations, with any trader, without exeptions. I`ll try "Randomize Stock" off option, maybe that helps, but I doubt it.

    UPD Without the "Randomize Stock" option, there are no errors, as well as functionality, the usual vanilla assortment and that's it.

    Soo, in a pure assembly with only Realism there is no problem, regardless of the language, type of profile, or initial side. Only strange is Fence timer not affected at all, it always shows 00:00, and not refresh assortment at least in period 5min with set time 60sec in "trader refresh time" in config. Trying to on\off "Nerf Fence" option, its not affect on that.

    This error is caused by mods that add new items for sale (retextured, for example, in my case, equipment in Multicam) through the base script of the JustNUCore mod. It touches only the merchant whose assortment has added a new item. I tried changing the boot order before and after Realism, but there was no result.

    Is it possible to combine Realism with this type of mod in future?

    I deleted all modifications and created a new profile. The result is the same. The problem lies precisely with the Jaeger merchant. After the countdown to the product update has completed, the update does not occur and the timer does not start again. Accordingly, an error appears. Clearly in the screenshot. There is no such problem with other merchants.

    Thanks for the work!

    Greetings, Fountaine, and everyone! I encountered this problem in the version 10.0 of Realism, during the SPT times even before 3.5.0. But then I didn’t really understand the structure of mods and there were about 10 installed mods themselves. Since then I have not enabled config options that affect traders. I`ll try to reproduce, I just did a fresh installation of SPT AKI 3.7.1 (26535), it won’t be difficult to identify if issue still present or not with only installed Realism v.0.14.5.

    BTW PreyToLive has updated his mod AllOpenZones v1.0.5 for latest Streets Expansion, as I know it part of Realism.

    Wartech TV-110 platecarrier, if you look at the game model, does not have soft armor\side plates in the cummerband.

    Is that normal that well suppresed AR (-60loudness) with supersonic ammo still deafening you even while outdoor, but without headsets\helmet? Because IRL this shouldn't happen, even inside structures.

    Using 3.7.1 with the latest version of Realism installed. The Check ammo multi slider does not affect mag check animation (not the inventory) for any weapon (as far as I could test.) I didn't have this problem on SPT 3.5.8.
    Have the same issue with mag check on 3.7.1 and Latest Realism. In addition i've checked most animation speed sliders and realise that arm hammer, bolt\slide release multiplier does not affect appropriate anim. Also find typo - SanitarFollower has Bonnie Hat (60b52e5bc7d8103275739d67) in tacticalvest section in loadouts configs in all 3 LO.

    On 3.7.1, I was getting massive FPS drop. Disabling the mod setting "Enable Stance Stamina and Movement Effects" took me from ~35 fps to ~110 fps on Woods and Interchange. This is repeatable, with a drop in FPS happening after a few minutes into each raid, and the drop disappearing once I disable the setting. While the problem is occurring, if I run or ADS, the FPS also goes back to normal.

    Happy to provide any info or logs that you might need if you want to spend time on this. Thanks for your awesome mod!

    (Sorry I posted this on the comments and not the support thread originally, didn't realize I was supposed to do it here.)

    Hi! If you using Fontaine's Recoil Overhaul or Fontaine's Combat Stance Overhaul mods along with Realism, disable those mods as they already included in Realism.

    Hi! Check the RBAV Tactical Rig (Pencott Badlands), when I put it on a character in the hideout, instead of the dressed figure of the character, there is endless loading. At the same time, the undressed vest model and the icon are fine. It looks like something missing in code or in bundle. Worth to doublecheck all rigs & armor.

    You shouldn't be able to use tier 1,2,3 medkits at full health, the option should be greyed out

    On the second point, I found out that this happened as a result of my manual overwriting of the profile saved with other mod settings or even from version 7.10.

    And according to the first point, everything described above with severe bleeding occurs when the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is DISABLED, with the option on, everything works.