Oh okay, I only tested it briefly. I came across LootItem.RemoveLootItem and RagdollClass.ClearWeapon which seemed potentially useful but I was unable to make use of them so far.
Edit: Didn't make any progress in that area. Came across so BotsClass.Remove. Seems like that is the trick but I'm too dumb to figure it out I guess. On the bright side I have not run into any issues yet, and I realized it is pretty easy to track corpse lifetime and have it clean up more frequently.
if (Time.time - botOwner.Memory.LastTimeHit >= 180f) would include any bot that has not been hit in the last 3 minutes, for example.
Currently experimenting with a 10 minute clean-up cycle (separated the airdrop event) with a range of 30m and LastTimeHit at 3 minutes, seems to be working as intended.
I'm thinking I can also use Memory.GoalEnemy to check if the bot was last looking at the player when it died, if I can figure out how to check for players.
Edit#2: Looks like the the end-raid cleanup outputs an error for what looks like each destroyed bot object, so yeah maybe not ideal. I see what you mean by lots of issues. Will have to settle with deactivate for now.