Posts by 029rav

    Thanks for the reply, I never really considered the the boss spawns not counting towards the overall AI count. I've temporarily removed SWAG and currently using SVM to manage bots, pmcs and bosses etc. so I'll remove the boss spawn from streets and give it another try.

    Frankly never crossed my mind to try that - I just went to the center and killed as many guards as I could before going to other areas and my fps skyrocketed from 40-50 in that area to 70-80+. Did that a few times. I have a decent system as well [7700 @5.45GHz and a 7800xt plus lots of ram] so it's not a hardware issue.

    For the record the area I am talking about is the Lexos area where the minefields are marked on Prim. avenue.

    Streets has what I call a bug currently. In the small camp in the center of the map there is a massive boss and guard spawn happening min. into the raid [10-20 guards as far as I could count] which adds to the rest of the AI. That kills performance. Basically until this boss/guard spawn is removed Streets will be impossible to play. If you want to play that map there are only 2 things you can do - 1. use Donuts and edit the config and cut the other AI spawns to 50% and that will allow for playable fps or go to the center and kill the guards and that will instantly declutter the map of useless AI but it's not easy to do. If anybody knows how to remove the guard spawn there then that will 100% fix the performance on Streets. It's not an optimization issue it's a massive AI spawn issue [separate from the normal pmc/scav spawns]

    I have the same issue on Streets and I think I found the problem - there's a massive boss and guard spawn happening min. into the raid [on streets in the center of the map]. I am talking 10-20 guards. That is 99.9999% the cause on Steets. No idea how to fix this besides trying to limit the AI drastically. However if you try an AI limiting mod it might throw a gazzilion errors so the only alternative on Streets is to use something like donuts and limit the other AI spawns. Or you can go center map and kill the guards but at 40-50 fps [no matter the system] that will be a bit rough. It's not a mod issue - I saw this with no mods whatsoever. It's a server issue. I hope they get around to fixing it sometime in the future.