Posts by Morbo513

    I'm not mad, just disappointed...

    I can't diagnose random crashes, the first thing to do in these situations is to test with only one mod installed at a time, and to first try with no mods.

    Yeah, I was anticipating as much - no worries. Just thought it might be worthwhile in case anything stuck out to you as part of realism. I since made some changes to my pagefile - moving it on to and SSD and increasing its size (from 8 to 14gb + 10 on another drive), and I've yet to crash since - maybe it'd reach capacity then crash over the first thing that went wrong, but I dunno. If it starts happening again I'll have to try the trial-and-error method, I just wish it weren't so time-consuming.

    Edit: Played several hour-long raids since, with zero crashes - same modlist minus visceral bodies. Just had to download more RAM, who knew?

    Been getting crashes every so often. I believe I'm using the previous version of Realism - 0.8.8. The logs all have similar errors. I have no idea whether realism is the cause of the errors and/or the crashes. My best guess is that it's is something to do with bots being disarmed - "no parent inventory". The crashes happen seemingly at random, usually within about 30 minutes of raid start. I'll try disabling disarmament and see if it still happens.

    Mod list:


    2023-07-21 01:10:38.354 +01:00||Error|inventory|[f9649f57ed25a7c8291a8943|Corpse|Profile][55618][Corpse] f9649f57ed25a7c8291a8943 - No parent inventory GEventArgs3 activity from item:item weapon_izhmeh_mr153_12g (id: 233bd168c3b8224584f46b36)

    2023-07-21 01:12:53.257 +01:00||Error|inventory|[5420c502c23969f618e2be1d|Corpse|Profile][62247][Corpse] 5420c502c23969f618e2be1d - No parent inventory GEventArgs3 activity from item:item weapon_fn_mk16_556x45_fde (id: 2186cbfc1b7ec05350ae8958)

    2023-07-21 01:13:38.166 +01:00||Error|inventory|[de7afa39e578870aaa1ff40b|Corpse|Profile][64332][Corpse] de7afa39e578870aaa1ff40b - No parent inventory GEventArgs3 activity from item:item weapon_zmz_pp-91_9x18pm (id: 9c25f606264187cbc0346250)

    Edit: Still getting crashes, but different errors. Previously it was out of memory - I had my hungry hungry browser open - and this last one, the last errors/exceptions in the log don't correspond to when I crashed (about 10 minutes behind), but here it is - and again, no clue whether it's actually Realism mod related but since it changes medical, I figure it might be linked and worth reporting.

    Hello, might be a dumb question, but in raid i cant seem to aim down sights, every time i try aim it does this canted aim with the laser, i looked through the settings and couldn't see anything ( unless i missed it)

    I also tried removing the laser

    Are you wearing a helmet with a visor?

    Finally got around to trying the mod and I'm really enjoying it. It adds a ton of depth and it's clear a lot of thought and care was put into it.

    I'm having difficulty with the high/low ready modes. If I set one of them to MMB, it will activate, but not deactivate - where with the default keyboard controls, you can press once to lower, once to raise.

    Right now I feel the controls for it are a bit awkward, too much to actually make use of them in the middle of a firefight. I'd love the ability to bind them to the scrollwheel like Ground Branch - scroll up for high-ready, down once to shoulder, down again for low-ready and vice-versa. Right now it doesn't recognise scroll as an input, and cycle stances only goes one way as well, so it'd presumably need two new inputs - cycle up and cycle down, each without short-stocking. A binding to bring the weapon to shoulder, ie disengage from any of the added stances, would also be really helpful. Edit: Oh, and an option to automatically exit each of these stances after ADS would be a godsend

    And a request for an optional feature - passive healing. Something like 0.2hp per second at full condition - modified negatively by stamina, thirst and hunger in order of severity, and maybe positively by skills. Low (<20%) energy/satiety would nullify it completely, whilst depleted hydration would halve the rate, and depleted stamina would reduce it to 75% - so you're rarely going to be at 100%, and the rate can vary a lot depending on circumstances. It'd let players have the option of an additional source of healing, whilst further rewarding good resource management, and add another dimension to the decision to use healing drugs and their consequences - maybe you shoot yourself up with adrenaline to get that quick heal now, but you tank your hydro/energy and so potentially lose out on long-term healing if you're not well-supplied.

    Also wanted to ask if anything would break if I changed raid timers and hydration/satiety decay rates with SVM or any other mods

    I could use some help with this mod. In all my raids it only seems that regular scavs are spawning, and only the initial spawns - I've yet to come across a single PMC when using it in 3.5.0. I've tried it with BetterSpawns Variety as well as dushaoan's config options. As far as mods that might conflict go, I'm using POOP, Valen's Progression and Normalisedbots, though afaik (which isn't to say much) they don't touch the actual spawn logic. I'm also using extended raid times which might have some bearing, but I've never been able to tell.
    That said I've mostly been testing this in scav raids, maybe that has something to do with it as well, but for the few PMC runs I've tried the result's been the same.

    I really want to use this mod but I found it was causing my game to crash quite often both in 3.4.5 and 3.5.0, and I couldn't tell if it it was actually functioning. Anyway, I believe this was due to mod conflicts (Valen's Progression, POOP, or maybe some of the mods that include similar functions like extended raid timers, open extracts etc). Any chance of getting a list of known conflicting mods, and/or how to identify them? Also the ability to adjust spawn wave timers and such like with SWAG would be greatly appreciated.

    Hey, I noticed the 6b23 Black uses Ceramic armour type, while the vanilla one uses Armour Steel. Also, the 6b13 and 6b23 Black are each around half the price of their vanilla counterparts. The AVS Black is also pretty severely underpriced it seems