Posts by Pr0lapser

    Good Evening I'm running into an issue with Finn's AI Tweaks where it will throw me an error when I have KMC Weapons installed.

    I have KMC CORE, GEAR, and Weapons installed. I removed KMC weapons and had no other issues with AI Tweaks loading up and got no errors. I still had KMC Core and GEAR together. However, when I re-add KMC Weapons, the error comes back. any Idea of what could be causing this? I do have a screenshot of the error if needed.

    Note: there was an issue with KMC Core not starting but I resolved that by deleting a line of code as told to me via Discord. so it's not that. (it involved a trader and durability line of 60 etc just in case this is brought up)

    I have also tried running this mod, but have only managed to get kmc core working,

    Hi Fin, its great to see you again ) Is it bad that i have yellow errors(non-crititacl) about "CODJUICE isnt in cache of base items", same with special Zero weigh car battery. COD was turned off for sure.

    I can confirm, also not running any other AI affecting Mod, yet all my PMC's are bears. Did the same config changes like you tried

    also, that big Bunch of errors come up when trying to create Bots. I somehow believe not being able to get the right gears, it just wont spawn that bot. Works flawless for Bots, Bears, but USEC Gears throw these exceptions

    I also have both of these, the codjuice one hasn't affected anything as far as I can tell, but the USEC PMCs one has not allowed me to complete some quests.

    At first I thought it was that the mod changed the spawn ratios for whatever reason, but seeing as other people are having this error, I changed my settings and went into a factory raid with bots turned up and noticed that usecs still didn't spawn.

    Same issue as everyone else above, First raid has AI, everything after is a deadzone, no ai spawns. Any progress since Monday? No rush, love your mods. Incredible work as always!

    To add to this, I tested a few raids and i found that the only AI that spawn are bosses, I tried about 10 raids in total, in customs, woods, and factory and after the first raid of a session, i only found the bosses and their guards in the following raids, but no other AI, I even went to every POI on Woods and found no one else (apart from shturman and his guards in saw mill), i did find a fix, although it is pretty annoying, which is to restart the server after one raid.

    As JuicyJ stated above, I'm having the same problem, for example when i load a factory raid for the first time in a session, bots load in, but for the second or third raids, the map is empty