Posts by Skuffe

    Hello thanks for this awesome mod :)
    is anyone aware of a bug or something that prevents you from gaining exp in skills?
    i tried using the gym to level STR but i keep getting 0 xp and my other skills dont seem to level or when they do its at a insane low speed im playing with Realism, ProgressiveStash, OpenExtracts, CustomReaiTimes, AllTheClothes, MC-Talk, Kobrakon-Adrelaline, Samswat Weatherchanger,BushNoESP.

    thanks for any help :)

    US is subsonic ammunition, underpressured, you need suppressors or boosters for the gun to cycle reliably.

    ugh derp, how did i miss that, ofc you are right i totally forgot that US stands for subsonic ammunition ._. god i feel stupid

    i want to report that using 7.62x39 US ammo in any weapon will make it jam pretty much every other round.
    tried with AK 103. SKS, Op-SKS, AKMS, AKMSN, AKM. all fully repaired 98-100 durability range with stock attachments, the full auto weapons could sometimes fire half a mag before going nuts.