Posts by RHST

    um, so should I leave the content of config.json here?

    I disabled the mod right night due to the issue.


    "_comment": "Enables the use of the mod. [true/false]",

    "mod_enabled": false,

    "_comment": "Enables verbose logging. [true/false]",

    "debug": false,

    "_comment": "Make extracts available no matter what side of the map you spawned. [true/false]",

    "ignore_entry_point": false,

    "_comment": "Updates the percentage that random extracts are available. [number:0-100]",

    "_comment": "For example: Smuggler's Boat or Pier Boat. The Default is typically 50.",

    "random_extract_update": true,

    "random_extract_chance": 55,

    "_comment": "Updates CO-OP extracts to be useable via payment (like cars). [true/false]",

    "_comment": "By default, the payment is 5000 rubles.",

    "convert_cooperation": true,

    "cooperation_item": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f",

    "cooperation_number": 5000,

    "_comment": "Updates no-backpack extracts to be useable with backpacks. (Labs:Vents, Reserve:Sewer, Interchange:Hole in the Fence) [true/false]",

    "ignore_backpack_requirements": false,

    "_comment": "Updates Reserve Cliff extract to be useable without a paracord, red rebel, and with an armored rig. [true/false]",

    "ignore_cliff_requirements": false,

    "_comment": "Sets a maximum hold time for extracts. [number:seconds:1-60]",

    "max_extraction_time": 15


    and here's another config.json from Custom Raid Times (idk but just in case you might need this)


    "_comment": "Enables the use of the mod. [true/false]",

    "mod_enabled": true,

    "_comment": "Enables verbose logging. [true/false]",

    "debug": false,

    "_comment": "Override raid times for all locations regardless of any custom times set below. [true/false]",

    "master_time_override": false,

    "_comment": "Number of minutes to override all raid times to. Only used if master_time_override is set to true.",

    "_comment": "This example has three options for a raid time value:",

    "_comment": " - The first setting (60 minutes) will be used 10 times more often than the third setting value due to the difference in the weight options.",

    "_comment": " - The second setting (30 minutes) has a random weighting chosen between the min and max settings. It will be used 2-5 times more often than the third setting value.",

    "_comment": " - The third setting has a random raid time value chosen between the min and max settings (15-20 minutes). Due to the weighting, it will be used 1/10th as often as the first setting.",

    "master_time_minutes": [

    {"minutes": 60, "weight": 10},

    {"minutes": 30, "weight": {"min": 2, "max": 5}},

    {"minutes": {"min": 15, "max": 20}, "weight": 1}


    "_comment": "Number of minutes for specific locations.",

    "_comment": "These will only be used if the master_time_override option is set to false.",

    "_comment": "These values follow the same rules as the master_time_minutes option. (Additional settings, and min/max values may be used).",

    "custom_times": {

    "customs": [

    {"minutes": 45, "weight": 1}


    "factory_day": [

    {"minutes": 25, "weight": 1}


    "factory_night": [

    {"minutes": 25, "weight": 1}


    "interchange": [

    {"minutes": 50, "weight": 1}


    "laboratory": [

    {"minutes": 40, "weight": 1}


    "lighthouse": [

    {"minutes": 45, "weight": 1}


    "reserve": [

    {"minutes": 45, "weight": 1}


    "shoreline": [

    {"minutes": 50, "weight": 1}


    "streets": [

    {"minutes": 55, "weight": 1}


    "woods": [

    {"minutes": 45, "weight": 1}



    "_comment": "This mod will adjust regular bot spawn waves to ensure that bots continue to spawn throughout the entire raid.",

    "adjust_bot_waves": false,

    "maximum_bots": 35,

    "maximum_group_gap_minutes": 8,

    "minimum_group_gap_minutes": 4,

    "maximum_wave_per_group": 4,

    "minimum_wave_per_group": 1


    thanks in advance, mate :)

    First of all, Thank you for the great mod :)

    I appreciate your hard work and wish the best luck for this epic project.

    Btw my problem is..

    it seems like the choosing raid entry point is not working for me.

    noticed that the pre-raid UI has been changed, in a bit wacky way I suppose.

    now changing bot count, boss spawn on/off options became quite annoying.

    looks like everytime I switch to further/previous pre-raid page, options keep getting reset,

    and chosen raid entry point also goes reset as well.

    so I've tried to start raid without switching the pre-raid screen, but looks like it's still randomized.
    (sometimes bot options successfully applied but sometimes don't.. new UI from 3.5.0 is treating me weird somehow)

    Realism Mod is the only main mod I am using,

    other mods are just some QoL stuff
    (watch anim, Make aimpoint great again, ammostats, reshade, profile editor)