Posts by Kaltag

    I'm really stumped cause I can't figure out why this is happening but when I use this mod (which I really love) when I spawn as a scav I always spawn with 1 or 2 rounds in the chamber sometimes without any extra reloads, and looking at the mod page, I don't think this is intentional. I've tried it with the default config, and with this mod on its own on a fresh install and profile, and it still happens. Is this intentional and/or can it be changed if its not intentional? If its a config thing I'm not seeing anything related to scav loadouts, but maybe I'm missing it :x

    Interestingly, on new profiles, the first scav will have normal ammo, but all subsequent scavs wont. I also did a quick google search but couldnt find anyone reporting this as a bug, so idk if no one else has had this bug or I'm just the only person who uses SPTRealism and does scav runs.


    On a new profile on a clean install w/ only this mod and no config changes, I get this error when I close the client and then relaunch it.

    Text in case its helpful:

    In response to Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Single'. Path 'Items[1373].Price', line 1, position 152711.

    It only every happens when I relaunch the client not sure why. In order for this error to disappear I have to restart the server.