Posts by Tinyteeth

    Did you have any mods that added customs items to the game, and did you uninstall said mods without deleting the custom items before uninstalling the mod?

    Hi Fontaine im really new at Tarkov modding so this is probably a dumb question but i was trying to turn on the setting that reverts the med changes called "revert_med_changes". In the Config menu. Where might I find the Config menu? Sorry again dumb question. Thanks :)

    There is an .exe in your SPT Aki installation folder \user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod called RealismModConfig.exe that you use to make changes

    I'm noticing that all scavs, literally all of them, wear the SFERA-S helmet... I take it that isn't normal?

    It shouldn't be all of them, but no, it's not normal and will be fixed next update, if you want to fix it yourself in the meantime you can go into SPT Aki\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\db\bots\loadouts\scavs and edit the scavLO.json, search for "5aa7d193e5b5b000171d063f": 1000, and change the 1000 to 1.

    I should clarify what I am trying to do a little better.

    I want a more scavenger-like experience in SPTarkov. It kills me that when I kill an AI PMC that they are almost guaranteed to have high tier armor, a decked out gun, and 5 mags of ammo. This makes the game, even with the realism mod, too easy to get good kits, especially when your player level is above 20 or 30. It just doesn't feel like live in anyway and the unpredictability of the type of bots you will run into is gone.

    Have you tried setting the bot tiers to what they are set to at lower levels? or even to an extreme such as 15,15,1,1 at whatever level range you currently are?

    Just a quick update as to the random crashes I've been having. I began play testing the game for hours with no mods on, and with no mods it still crashes. So, can confirm its not the realism mod after all. It must have been a fluke that the game didn't crash when I play tested no mods for a few hours last week.

    In case you are wondering, I did begin to see something in the task manager, but only for a split second. GPU goes from normal to 100% immediately upon the game crash after stuttering. It only last for a split second at 100% GPU so its hard to catch. It's so quick that when monitoring for which process is causing highest GPU, it doesn't refresh the list fast enough to display the process causing it. I know its SPT on its own though now.

    Thank you for the time helping me and all of the suggestions throughout, and excellent mod!

    Sorry to hear that it's not a localised issue, but glad to hear it wasn't Realism related. Hopefully you find the cause and are able to fix it!

    What are the best settings/tweaks for making this a little easier gameplay? The bots always seem to know my location and are waiting for me around the corner. I die always with heads/eyes/nape.

    Help would be appreciated.

    Realism doesn't really tweak the AI, if you have PMC and Boss difficulty ticked in the config it just increases their level of difficulty from asonline to hard or impossible, which are still base SPT Aki settings, if you want to make the Ai a bit easier look at a mod like poop and poop variety

    I tried 0.7.8 and that didnt work either. gave me the same error. I just updated to 3.5.5. Ill see if it works for me now.

    Apologies, 0.7.8 may have specifically been for 3.5.3, can't remember. Hopefully installing 3.5.5 has fixed your issue though.

    0.7.10 is for version 3.5.5 ONLY, if you are running 3.5.4 you need 0.7.8

    In checking his bepindex file we found an error with dogtag generation. He has a snip of it, but didnt post it like i thought he had. I will have him do it today. Though i dont know how dogtag generation would cause crashes like that

    Not sure either, I have personally been having an issue with Tarkov (SPT AKI) closing itself without giving error messages, just simply closing to desktop but that is due to an alpha mod that I am helping work on having a memory leak.. The unfortunate thing being that it seems you guys have discounted that as being an issue. I am quite stumped.

    Hey Fontaine, want to begin with saying you've made an incredible mod and I really appreciate the changes it brings to Tarkov.

    But I have been having a weird issue where my game from time to time will just close randomly. As if I just ALT F4'd. It happens about every 30-45 minutes and both in raid or in the menu. Couldn't Identify the issue in the logs. I did run with other mods but removed them all except this one and the game still crashes. Game doesn't crash at all vanilla with no mods. Same Profile ported over to Vanilla with no crashes so its not an issue with the save or profile. Some times I can run SPT for a couple hours straight with your mod, sometimes it crashes within 10 minutes of starting the game. Also have task manager up and nothing was too intensive for my CPU, RAM, or GPU. And yes, I installed the mod correctly as everything was working beautifully. Just sucks having so many raids essentially ALT F4 on their own, wasting all that time and never keeping anything because it just crashes.

    What version of Realism are you using (and SPT Aki version) and is this a recently issue that has popped up with an update or change of game version or is this an ongoing issue that you are having?

    Ultimately this is VERY unlikely to be directly related to Realism or any of the changes that it makes, it may just be that Realism is causing more of a performance impact on your system. Generally instability such that you are describing may be due to overclocking, is your ram, cpu or gpu overclocked? If I had to guess it would likely be related to ram.


    To start off, I love this mod, great job man.

    I am having an issue where most raider guns and some pmc guns are having render issues leading to the doge block appearing and making them effectively unusable until i'm out of raid and can clear up the issue by removing the part. Sometimes the bad part is the gun itself (M4 Upper for example). Any inputs on how to resolve this? I've attempted reinstalling the mod, but am still having the issue

    If you uninstall realism does this behaviour correct itself?

    I see that's very useful. I'm testing p scav now and I'm just getting knvies, no guns...I tried disabling changes to their weapon mods and all my overrides of SPT bot gen methods and didn't fix it...something is silently breaking things...

    I think I might have to abandon changes to bots and most server-side changes at least for now, because honestly I can't be bothered fixing bot generations for the 20th time because SPT devs decided to spontaneously rename or refactor code that didn't need to be.

    That is entirely up to you, I will say, from my perspective, the bot changes are one of the things that I love about Realism, I do not want to guilt you into NOT disabling the bot changes but they are in my opinion the foundation that makes the Realism experience a fantastic one.

    I am happy to work on this with you to try and track down the issue and correct it, but I am only a novice at this and I can certainly understand your frustration.

    I sent you a DM on discord, regardless, you should do what you feel is right for yourself and realism.

    I don't think it's jus Scavs though, now that you mentioned it I remember during recent testing seeing bots reloading soon after spawning but didn't think anything of it a the time. But it wasn't all bots, or wasn't all could be that SPT changed how bot loadouts are structured, or changed something to do with bot generation...

    It's absolutely not just scavs, but player scav is the only loadout that is reliably generated AND controlled by the player so I can quickly go in and make a list of what weapons are and are not affected which may help you narrow it down to a cause? Not entirely sure.

    I can also just change the default loadout that the playerscav.json uses as a base from "assault" to any other bot loadout and generate a scav with that loadouts gear.

    Thanks for the detailed info, I was not aware of the bot issues at all. Must be a recent thing because didn't happen in the past. Problem with SPT is that the devs are constantly changing very minor things that end up breaking the mod but don't show up as errors in the server log half the time...I'll have a look into it, I do override some methods to do with magazine generation that could be the culprit. It's hard to test though, last time I tested the player scav issue I couldn't reproduce it, my 2nd scav had ammo.

    Interesting, I have been able to successfully replicate the issue with just Realism installed on a fresh install and fresh profile.

    I have noticed that firearms such as the MP-443 pistol seem to not be affected by this bug? I can't be 100% certain but I will do some testing now and compile a list of firearms that are and are not affected and post it here for you.

    I did make a post a little while ago with some testing that I did SPT Realism Mod and SPT Realism Mod but I never found the actual culprit.

    I'm really stumped cause I can't figure out why this is happening but when I use this mod (which I really love) when I spawn as a scav I always spawn with 1 or 2 rounds in the chamber sometimes without any extra reloads, and looking at the mod page, I don't think this is intentional. I've tried it with the default config, and with this mod on its own on a fresh install and profile, and it still happens. Is this intentional and/or can it be changed if its not intentional? If its a config thing I'm not seeing anything related to scav loadouts, but maybe I'm missing it :x

    Interestingly, on new profiles, the first scav will have normal ammo, but all subsequent scavs wont. I also did a quick google search but couldnt find anyone reporting this as a bug, so idk if no one else has had this bug or I'm just the only person who uses SPTRealism and does scav runs.

    Unfortunately this is a bug with Realism, and it's not just the player scav that is affected by it, all AI will have their magazines start with 1 bullet in them but the AI will reload and replenish their magazines more or less on spawn, you can tell it affects the AI because a firearm that they spawn with but do not use (sidearm for example) will have this bug (This is just what I have noticed with my playthrough, I have not extensively tested this so there may be more nuance to the bug). Interestingly it doesn't appear to affect ALL firearms and magazines, but it does affect most.

    Although Realism does not directly edit the playerscav loadout, the player scav's loadout is based on the "assault" bot loadout which is edited by Realism.

    The reason that on a new profile your player scav was not affected is most likely due to the player scav being generated without Realism's bot loadouts being taken into account, 2nd player scav does use the base "assault" loadout however.

    This appears, at least in my testing, to be down to the modifications in the bot loadout, there is something happening in there, but I am unsure of what, you can comment out the modification section and the bug appears to no longer be present.

    If you check your error logs you will most likely see a large amount of errors such as

    2023-03-27 21:21:00.354 +10:30||Error|Default|can't find mags to reload
    2023-03-27 21:21:00.866 +10:30||Error|Default|can't find mags to reload
    2023-03-27 21:21:00.883 +10:30||Error|Default|can't find mags to reload
    2023-03-27 21:21:01.377 +10:30||Error|Default|can't find mags to reload
    2023-03-27 21:21:01.881 +10:30||Error|Default|can't find mags to reload
    2023-03-27 21:21:01.896 +10:30||Error|Default|can't find mags to reload

    I believe that Fontaine is aware of this and will fix it when they have the time.

    Thank you for help! I'll try to do it.

    Happy to help, I would suggest giving the features of Realism a good look and compare them to what FAIT or POOP adds/edits and then disabling the overlapping features.

    FAIT will have far more overlapping features than POOP will, but FAIT has a nice config editor that is easier if you're not familiar with modding.