Posts by JuicyJ

    Hey Fin! Love the mod, by far my favorite.

    As mentioned in a couple comments above, it seems were having an issue with spawn changes. (I've tried everything including a clean install of SPT 3.5.2 with just FAIT installed, all multiple times.) I've started a fresh log file and attached it, hopefully to be of some sort of help if possible although I don't see any errors popping up in the server.

    In my config I have all spawn changes enabled, and both "all PMCs are BEARs" "all PMCs are USECs" set to false.

    First I tried factory. Upon starting the first raid the bots were loaded in the server but SptUsecs were missing. All the bots spawned as normal, apart from missing USECS. On the second raid, only Tagilla loaded for spawns but does not ever actually spawn in. After that I switched over to customs and woods and had other spawning issues including no SptUsecs or SptBears being loaded at all so I restarted my game.

    On my second try I tried out customs. Once again on the first raid the bots were loaded in but SptUsecs were missing, and on the second raid SptUsecs and SptBears were missing completely from the server.

    Possibly an issue since i'm using SPT 3.5.2 and the mods listed for 3.5.1? I didn't think that would cause an issue since it was said that most 3.5.1 mods should work on 3.5.2 but I could be completely wrong?

    Everything else such as Bots difficulties, loadouts and all works fine just seems to be a weird issue with spawning. I'm no lua coder so I have no clue what to look for to try and help :(

    Thanks for putting time into this game and making this mod. appreciate you man