Posts by cosmiccowboy

    any errors in console or log? and have you tried the trader with out traps-customquests?

    I think its questing bots and the quests from your trader, its making them do something thats causing them not to generate, sadly I cant get any logs seeing what its doing. Wish I could provide more help

    That item error might have been something else, as it only happened once, but the infinite loading when generating pmcs happens every single time, and thay i am sure it is only with your mod installed. Hope you can find a fix 🙏🏻

    Yeah, I thought it was other things too, even CWX because an error it threw but it seems like its nothing to do with other things. It's confusing, I deleted the mod and forgot to delete the custom quests and it still had a weird issue so possibly something is going on there but Im not sure.

    Hey, whenever i add your mod, QuestingBots bugs out, i get stuck at generating PMCS. It gets stuck at 0%, if i remove your mod, it works fine. I tried it many times, most of the times it showed no error apart from one time it said: " Obligatory slot "mod_gas_block" in CCG_AR_SHORT_BARREL mod_barrel was empty in pmcusec, the weapon weapon_colt_m4a1:556x45 was generated incorrectly" .
    I trial and error all of my mods and only yours causes this.

    Same happened to me with this mod