Posts by Asura

    Marking thread as resolved. I can finally launch the game and create my character. I wish I had some sort of insight to why it wasn't working, but I believe my dotnet installation was corrupted or missing things. I uninsalled and reinstalled the same SDK, and it is now working.

    Hey, just to let everyone know, the SPT install is in a separate folder from EFT live.


    I took a second to look at the logs specifically the Server Log, are you making any changes to your profile whilst the sever is running? Are you opening and closing your Launcher and/or have multiple open at the same time?

    I do not have multiple running and I do not close the launcher while it's trying to load.

    I have read through the section on the FAQ multiple times, ensured that I have tried the solutions labeled there through and through. However, this past week I have been trying to get this game to launch, and no matter what it will always get stuck on the splash screen. I have ensured that I have the required dotnet frameworks and runtimes installed. I have wiped, reinstalled, redownload everything for the live client and SPT associated files. It started on 3.5.3 and I saw the release of 3.5.4 hoping that might make the difference. I hope there can be a solution found, and if it is of my own doing, please let me know. Thank you.