Posts by Nicholasflak

    You can pretty much accomplish that with current config but setting them as the same odds. BTW, did you resolve the issue with bots tanking multiple headshots? Important for me to fix it if it's a bug.

    That happens when you die or quit raid with alt-f4 IIRC, and no that wouldn't be the cause of the crashes. Is he using the higher bot cap option, high or horde bot spawn amount? Maybe try full default config settings for both config app and the in-game config and see if that resolves it, then we can figure out which option combinations is causing it if any. Maybe also try clearing the cache in user/cache and bepinex/cache

    Small update, he went full default and hasnt had any crashes since then. Gonna start adding settings back tomorrow

    You can pretty much accomplish that with current config but setting them as the same odds. BTW, did you resolve the issue with bots tanking multiple headshots? Important for me to fix it if it's a bug.

    That happens when you die or quit raid with alt-f4 IIRC, and no that wouldn't be the cause of the crashes. Is he using the higher bot cap option, high or horde bot spawn amount? Maybe try full default config settings for both config app and the in-game config and see if that resolves it, then we can figure out which option combinations is causing it if any. Maybe also try clearing the cache in user/cache and bepinex/cache

    He's using the regular bot cap, i'll have him do both of those things, provided i can get him on today. I'll let you know the results. Thanks for the reply

    Not sure either, I have personally been having an issue with Tarkov (SPT AKI) closing itself without giving error messages, just simply closing to desktop but that is due to an alpha mod that I am helping work on having a memory leak.. The unfortunate thing being that it seems you guys have discounted that as being an issue. I am quite stumped.

    We had honestly almost hoped it was just a bad AKi install, but no, we were able to run vanilla far past when the crashes had been occurring. We are looking into if maybe it was a Bear specific issue, maybe do to some user end error with cyrillic names interacting with dogtag generation. Honestly its got us stumped too aside from knowing with realism it crashes without it it doesnt. Which sucks cause we both want realism to work lol

    What version of Realism are you using (and SPT Aki version) and is this a recently issue that has popped up with an update or change of game version or is this an ongoing issue that you are having?

    Ultimately this is VERY unlikely to be directly related to Realism or any of the changes that it makes, it may just be that Realism is causing more of a performance impact on your system. Generally instability such that you are describing may be due to overclocking, is your ram, cpu or gpu overclocked? If I had to guess it would likely be related to ram.

    In checking his bepindex file we found an error with dogtag generation. He has a snip of it, but didnt post it like i thought he had. I will have him do it today. Though i dont know how dogtag generation would cause crashes like that

    What version of Realism are you using (and SPT Aki version) and is this a recently issue that has popped up with an update or change of game version or is this an ongoing issue that you are having?

    Ultimately this is VERY unlikely to be directly related to Realism or any of the changes that it makes, it may just be that Realism is causing more of a performance impact on your system. Generally instability such that you are describing may be due to overclocking, is your ram, cpu or gpu overclocked? If I had to guess it would likely be related to ram.

    He's running 3.5.5, but also had an issue with it on 3.5.3. I agree that it likely isn't the mod itself as he and i have the same modlist, however, we have been unable to troubleshoot it past it doesn't crash without realism, but does with it. I also thought it might be his ram, but in watching his task manager, the ram never caps out. I don't have answers on the overclocking, but i'm fairly certain that it isn't. I do agree that i think its either ram or a potential dual port collision on a cpu thread, even with task manager never showing it capping out.

    Is there anything else you can think of that it might be though? I've had him try and look at most everything i can think of minus a windows reinstall as i know I've had a few issues with windows randomly deciding that it didnt like certain games and either crashing them or not allowing them to load at all.

    Planning to look through the Bepindex logs tonight as Fontaine suggested. If we cant make sense of it, i recommended he post it to let yall look too.

    If you uninstall realism does this behaviour correct itself?

    Realism isn't the problem. I have another mod installed that affects reflex sights and some other sights, I tried removing it first to see if that was it as it was the obvious culprit, but i missed a file of it. Found it this time though, sorry for the inconvenience.

    Love this mod though


    To start off, I love this mod, great job man.

    I am having an issue where most raider guns and some pmc guns are having render issues leading to the doge block appearing and making them effectively unusable until i'm out of raid and can clear up the issue by removing the part. Sometimes the bad part is the gun itself (M4 Upper for example). Any inputs on how to resolve this? I've attempted reinstalling the mod, but am still having the issue