I believe your profile has an item that no longer exists in the game, city_key8
If you find the following text in your profile and remove it, it should work:
Yes. this is what i need, thanks
I believe your profile has an item that no longer exists in the game, city_key8
If you find the following text in your profile and remove it, it should work:
Yes. this is what i need, thanks
any item from a merchant, even for different currencies
I don't have mods that add new content, only resize pockets and document case
After installing the new version 3.5.5. I get an error when trying to buy an item. The error appears on my old profile from 3.5.4. When I create a new profile on 3.5.5, there is no error, even when I use mods. I took a friend's profile 3.5.4 without mods and get exactly the same error. I tried different ways, with mods, without mods, installed mods clean, copied with configs, manually changed configs from scratch.