Posts by ItsOnlyD

    Unsure if it's been reported once before or I am having some strange issue but when the "enable sprint aim penalties" option is disabled I get a ton of weapon sway regardless of my character state (standing ,crouching, prone) and weapons stats have no effect. I tried adjusting the weapon sway intensity to counter act this and this also seemed to have no effect so I thought I would bring this up in the event that this is a bug or a weird interaction of some kind

    I did some testing of my own trying to figure out if there was some weird mod confliction going on and was unable to find anything. I put the mod by itself in a fresh install and tested the setting and got the same results if this helps at all.

    Sounds like it's a certain combination of config options then, will be tricky to troubleshoot but hopefully we can figure it out.

    I can't reproduce this issue unfortunately. Did you try realism by itself? Could be a mod conflict.

    I couldn't test more at the time but I essentially started fresh and reintroduced the mods little by little and I don't seem to be having the issue anymore. If I had to guess there was probably a load order issue and I sorted it out. apologies for having wasted some of your time and not providing some proper conclusion other than me being a bit stupid at the time.

    I'm having a bit of a strange issue and was hoping to get some insight potentially. I'm working on grenadier currently and felt that some of my nades were not doing proper damage or any damage at all,now it could have been some bad nades at that time so I took extra time in placing my nades to the point where I was rolling them under ai and it would still do little to no damage at all. I experimented a little bit more and used a grenade launcher and was getting the same results with every explosive ammo type from pretty much every gl type. I went through and was disabling mods to see where the potential issue was and I came to the conclusion that when having the realistic ballistics feature enabled and working my grenades just become inert, and when I disabled it and removed the dll my grenades seem to be working as they should. Sorry that this is a bit wordy but if there is some insight that anyone has that could potentially resolve this issue it would be greatly appreciated :)