Posts by Apoc

    Pretty much as the title says really. Game keeps crashing mid raid and only when in raid. Can happen when an AI is about to shoot and kill me or vise versa, looting, doing nothing or 10th time that it crashed making me give up on trying to figure out myself, was 0.1 seconds away from closing a door.

    As far as I can tell it can happen on any map (logs uploaded from Customs specifically) however I've only tested Woods and Customs due to the next point.

    Mainly happens near or just after the default raid end timer (I've got extended raids on but so far I've either extracted with quest or hideout items or died before reaching the 'default' late raid time) but at the same time can happen early, like within 20 mins as it did when referred to the crash at the start of the post.

    I sat on Customs one time literally draining time doing nothing until 'default' (45 min) raid end time, and still hadn't crashed so when it hit 50ish mins, decided to start playing then and only then... Game crashed by the 55th minute in the raid.

    One mod is missing from the mod list (because it was not in and active for the logs when the crash happened) is Looting bots as I took it out because it seemed to have also been giving me errors along the lines of "bots are not moving" but the crashes still happen however what the hell are those clone weapons on client logs beats me as I'm pretty stupid when it comes to coding so couldn't even guess really

    Already done multiple reinstall of SPT and EFT

    Current specs are as follows:

    EFT installed on an SSD, same drive as SPT

    i9 9900k

    RX 5700xt

    32GB DDR4 3600MHz

    Ram usually sitting about 20-40%

    CPU about 30-60%

    GPU can't remember as specific but in the range of 50-70 for sure

    Any ideas appreciated