Posts by smeglordx

    Hi, I have the following mods that change the AI in some way or another: Realism, Sain AIO, DrakiaXYZ Waypoints, Fenix NoAI ESP, BushNoESP.

    I installed your mod with the default presets (meaning it should only be affecting spawns right?) I was sure its gonna be compatible but something went wrong.. The spawns themselves work great, but they AI became so difficult that I cant play the game anymore lmao, PMC's react faster than me, and they dont miss..

    And i'm not makin this up, im lvl 38 on this character so I already had a good feeling for the AI, it was challenging but fair with way I set it up, but now I just cant survive a raid.

    Hi, the vision module in your mod has something called "experimental vision changes". I was want to try it out, but I have NoBushESP mod, should I delete that first or are those different things?

    Also, im not sure if this can be caused by your mod, but bots can see and shoot me through the fences around shoreline cottages. The mods related to AI im using is your AIO pack, Realism, Drakia's waypoints, and NoBushESP , NoAiESP, Maybe something could be conflicting there?