Posts by smeglordx

    Hi, I have the following mods that change the AI in some way or another: Realism, Sain AIO, DrakiaXYZ Waypoints, Fenix NoAI ESP, BushNoESP.

    I installed your mod with the default presets (meaning it should only be affecting spawns right?) I was sure its gonna be compatible but something went wrong.. The spawns themselves work great, but they AI became so difficult that I cant play the game anymore lmao, PMC's react faster than me, and they dont miss..

    And i'm not makin this up, im lvl 38 on this character so I already had a good feeling for the AI, it was challenging but fair with way I set it up, but now I just cant survive a raid.

    Hi, the vision module in your mod has something called "experimental vision changes". I was want to try it out, but I have NoBushESP mod, should I delete that first or are those different things?

    Also, im not sure if this can be caused by your mod, but bots can see and shoot me through the fences around shoreline cottages. The mods related to AI im using is your AIO pack, Realism, Drakia's waypoints, and NoBushESP , NoAiESP, Maybe something could be conflicting there?

    Sounds like your install is messed up/wrong SPT version/conflicting mods or you're having trouble configuring the mod, nothing I can do on my end unfortunately.

    is it possible to reinstall the game and your mod/other mods and still keep the profile I was playing, or will it get messed up?

    You have a conflicting mod or have the mod configured wrong. Make sure the med changes are enabled in the config app.

    I think I've found the reason. I had "gear blocks healing" disabled in the menu as I found it too immersive for me lmao. But once I enabled it back on, painkillers started working normally again. Able to use keyboard shortcuts etc. Pretty weird.

    Also on another note, bots see me and beam in the face through the fences around cottages in shoreline. I'm not sure if this could be related to Realism or maybe SAIN's vision? But it wasn't happening before I updated from realism 7.10. Also I realized I haven't cleared my mod cache for a while so I did now, and instantly I noticed some things changed. I'm sure these 2 changes: Improved stance to sprint animation transition and Small tweaks to stance speed and positions only started working after clearing the cache. I used the same weapon I did before clearing cache, and noticed that when adsing from low ready now made the buttstock clip into my face for a split second.

    You have a conflicting mod or have the mod configured wrong. Make sure the med changes are enabled in the config app.

    I have it enabled. These are all the mods im using:


    Amand's graphics

    SAIN all in one

    DrakiaXYZ waypoints



    Fontaine Fov Fix

    Gilded Key Storage

    Kobrakon's Adrenaline


    SPTRealism ammo stats


    Can anything here be conflicting?

    right now my biggest issue is just that the only way to use analgin is to drag it onto a blacked out limb.. shortcuts ir right click wont work. Anyone else experiencing this?

    You cannot have anything on your chest, so Armor, Tac vest or backpack.

    Medkits should work on chest, thorax and stomach to stop bleeds, bandages and esmarch/cat should not.

    I know, I had all of them taken off but still nothing worked. I disabled the "gear blocks healing" thingy for now, but still having all kinds of weirdness. Just had a blacked out leg and was limping, but couldn't use painkillers by shortcut or by rightcliking "use", but was able to use them if i dragged directly on the leg.

    I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

    I really like this mod and appreciate all the effort you've put into making it. I've noticed a minor problem with the variety of keys carried by the AI. I just came out of a raid on Customs with 4 Dorm 214 keys and a few raids ago on Reserve I looted 3 RB-TB keys just from the Raiders underground alone. Those are just examples from today but I've been noticing this for a while since installing this mod and thought I'd mention it.

    One way to get rid of this problem for now is to use the compatibility option for Looting Bots in the menu so that bots spawn with nothing, and then use that mod so bots actually loot containers and corpes and even loose loot. Its actually kinda cool, but in the end I got rid of that mod as I felt it had a pretty huge load on my CPU. However it might be fine for you.