Posts by Nixx

    The bear only spawn problem is within this portion of the code, in src/mod.ts; updating all chances to a hard 50% seems to have no effect, it's defaulting to the final else statement when it compares against usecChance. Swapping usec and bear results in what appears to be a 100% usec spawn rate.

    static randomizePMCSideInSpawns()


    let usecChance

    if (config.allPMCsareBEARS && config.allPMCsareUSECs)

    usecChance = 50

    else if (config.allPMCsareBEARS)

    usecChance = 50

    else if (config.allPMCsareUSECS)

    usecChance = 50

    for (let map in LocationConfig.customWaves.normal)


    for (let wave in LocationConfig.customWaves.normal[map])

    if (LocationConfig.customWaves.normal[map][wave].WildSpawnType == AKIPMC)

    if (RandomUtil.getInt(0,99) < usecChance)

    LocationConfig.customWaves.normal[map][wave].WildSpawnType = botNameSwaps.bear


    LocationConfig.customWaves.normal[map][wave].WildSpawnType = botNameSwaps.usec

    if (locations[map]?.base?.OpenZones)

    LocationConfig.openZones[map] = locations[map].base.OpenZones.split(",").filter(i => i.length > 0)

