Posts by Schrader

    Schrader added a new version:

    • Fix direct download
    • Add mod installation toggle (low budget "update" process)

    Schrader added a new version:

    Do you plan to support other languages?
    Personally, I would like to add Korean.

    I planned to support different languages.
    Here is my GitHub issue for that ->

    It would be no work to add the support, some work to change technical strings, but someone would need to translate from English to Korean. If you help me, I could add the support earlier.

    It would be similar to the system SPT used to translate. There is a JSON with different texts and they need to translate.

    Schrader added a new version:


    - Support prePatch files and adding them to the installed mod overview

    Schrader added a new version:


    - Fixing issue with invalid instances

    - Fixing issue while searching and getting beaten up by the holy spt-hub guard (503)

    - Adding invalid instances in personal settings (now removeable)

    - Adding error handling while searching for mods (additional message for mod without spt version)

    Schrader added a new version:


    - Compatibility patch for SPT 3.9.0

    - Fixing issue with paginator overlapping action buttons

    Schrader added a new version:



    Speed up mod information fetch during install using an indexed mod json file.

    Thanks Markosz!

    Schrader added a new version:



    - Issues with the installation process

    - Increase timeout to 60s to prevent early timeout issues

    Schrader added a new version:

    Schrader added a new version:



    • getting information dealing with 503-issue
    • different issues with resolving download links and download process
    • different name mappings

    Known Issues:

    • missing reload of the current installed mods after installing new mods

    Schrader added a new version:



    • window state management — window will persist the last size and position
    • error handling for fetching information of a mod

      • will abort if timeout of 30s will hit
      • if the page is not available
      • will abort the mod install process and will be able to restart
    • local logging
      • log location
        • C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\sp-tarkov-client\logs or short %APPDATA%\sp-tarkov-client\logs
    • restart tutorial button (setting page)
    • adding additional tutorial step to explain the “star”-icon and mock data to show it
    • tray icon for future features


    • prevent 503 issues with adding 1s delay between page changes (link-action)
    • local images for tutorials instead of fetching
    • wrong icon color in light mode for the instance-star-icon

    Known Bugs

    • Installed SVM will not be marked as installed

    Schrader added a new version:


    Checking 3.8.0 compatibility

    Adding mod list loading indicator

    Fixing Refresh for active Instance

    Fixing mod version display

    Schrader added a new version:


    Fixed infinity loading indicator for new instances without mod/client folders

    Small UI enhancements

    Schrader added a new version:


    New Features:

    • First-Time Tutorial to show the most important steps to get started
    • New overview of the current active instance to see what mods are installed (name will be weird sometimes)
      • Adding SVM and SPT-Realism start button when detected
    • Adding a theme toggle
    • Adding a button to clear successful installed mods
    • Adding a toggle to activate experimental features
      • (EXPERIMENTAL) Start Server directly from the new sidebar (Warning: There is no Stop Server or checks. Close the app to kill the server)


    • Fetching/Download/Install stability
    • Styling issues for light and dark themes
    • Adding more actions to jump directly to the directories of mods or instances
    • Adding a jump function to the mod picture to open the mod URL
    • Adding more tooltips
    • Some Mod-Name mappings
    • Things I forgot

    Schrader added a new version:


    Fix an issue with Google Drive larger file screen (no virus check for larger files) preventing the download