Posts by Kopat1ch

    Kopat1ch added a new version:

    Kopat1ch added a new version:


    Fixed a bug where the MICH 2001 did not have soft inserts

    Kopat1ch added a new file:

    Kopat1ch added a new file:


    This mod includes 5 tops and 4 pants in Woodland Marpat camo, clothes can be bought from Ragman 1 LL.

    If you want to support me, you can donate via PayPal: [email protected]

    or send a donation to my boosty

    Kopat1ch added a new version:


    1. Fixed the texture of the Door Kicker Bonnie Hat Undersnake strap

    2. Fixed the color of all clothes. Now they are all black, not gray and black

    Kopat1ch added a new file:

    Kopat1ch added a new file:


    This mod adds 5 tops, 5 pants and Door Kicker Boonie Hat in Tiger Stripe Camo. You can buy all of this at 1 LL at RAGMAN

    If you want to support me, you can donate to me on PayPal: [email protected]

    Kopat1ch added a new file:

    Kopat1ch added a new file:


    This mod adds 4 pants and 5 tops in M81 camouflage. You can buy it on 1 LL at the RAGMAN.

    If you want to support me, you can donate to me on PayPal: [email protected]

    or send a donation to my boosty

    Kopat1ch added a new version:


    Fixed the position of the Door Kicker Bonnie hat in the raid. It will no longer cover half of the top screen.

    Kopat1ch added a new version:

    Kopat1ch added a new version:


    Fixed display of Black Multicam Boss Delta's hands in first person.

    Kopat1ch added a new version:


    Fixed display of Multicam Boss Delta's hands in first person.

    Kopat1ch added a new file:


    This mod adds 4 tops and 3 pants in the Multicam camouflage. You can buy it at Ragman on 1 LL.

    If you want to support me, you can donate to me on PayPal: [email protected]

    Kopat1ch added a new version:


    Fixed the issue where a white square was displayed instead of clothing for the trader

    Kopat1ch added a new file: