Posts by Morae

    Just tried and didn't work unfortunately, I think it's an issue with the kmc weapons and some ammo because the errors have ids revolving around those.

    Edit: tried to remove kmc weapons and the errors disappeared so it's definitely a problem from this mod.

    I had the same issue. I just started my server and ignored them. Played for an hour or so and restarted my server and the errors were gone.

    Playing and restarting didn't work for me unfortunately.

    Altough it's the weapons that disappear and not the clothes, I'll definitely try this, thank you.

    Hello! I have a bunch of errors on my server and from all the mods I have, only your weapons are missing. Could you help me check the server and see what's wrong?

    List of mods:



    Carl HoneyBadger

    Ereshkigal CoreMod

    KMC Core

    KMC Weapons

    KMC Gear

    Kugel Armalite (ARshoppe)


    SamSwat FAMAS

    SamSWAT L85A2

    SamSwat M1014

    SamSwat SCAR-H

    SamSwat vepr12


    Fin's AI Tweaks

    I have attached the terminal content in .txt, ty in advance