Posts by prater1122

    Very unlikely it is related to SVM, every XP related field does not change anything related to XP required for level nor could deduct already attained XP from the profile.
    Make a post on support zone with all required info (logs on the moment when issue happened, mods, etc), maybe someone can help you out.

    Hi, I forgot to mention it resets my stash as well back to what it was. Does that make a difference?

    I just tested it and the reason why it was doing it, -it seems-, is that each time I'd load the game, I'd load it through GVFE, load preset, then start the game. Loading the preset before starting the server and launcher seems to reset it back to when I last saved the preset, I think this is the case.


    Hi there,

    I'm having some issues with my progress rolling back. Each time I've loaded the preset after starting a new day, it resets my progress back to that point. For example, last night I got up to level 13, roughly 3k XP in, and this afternoon when I logged in, it was reset back to level 12, 16k xp left to 13. It's happened to me a few times and I have no idea what to do about it, I've struggled to find an answer anywhere else. Please help!
