Posts by Chocolate

    Status report on the infrequent 90° aim bug thing:

    After ~80 hours into versions of this mod after the initial bugfix I haven't had it occur once, which is the longest time without it as far as I can recall. Before the fix it was approximately once per 20 game hours (more frequent when counting only in-raid time but I didn't keep track of that).

    I have gotten the 90° aim rotation bug a couple times in the past and never connected them to this mod.

    It's only about once every 20 hours or so, so I'd like to maximize the usefulness of it happening.

    Are there any settings to output additional logs/troubleshoot info I can turn on besides the "Log Everything" option in the config?

    Is there a way or option to have Hold-Breath function enabled? I have the recoil overhaul disabled but the Hold-Breath function does NOT work in-game.

    Removing the mod completely resolves this issue and thus, reenabling the Hold-Breath function again.

    You can enable it in the F12 menu

    I haven't been able to replicate this, could you send a video?

    dude melee lmao

    Ignore the popups, I had it set to a throwaway keybind that was duplicate with other stuff.

    Mods used: "zzDrakiaXYZ-Waypoints","MoreCheckmarksBackend","ServerValueModifier","Dirtbikercj-EasySkillOptions","Fontaine-FOV-Fix","ACOG4Life-OpticRework","SPT-Realism","Realistic-Night-Vision-Goggles-1.1.4","Realistic-Thermals-1.0.0","ODT-ItemInfo-3.2.0","SWAG","zSolarint-SAIN-ServerMod" + DONUTS, AmandaGraphics, AmandaSense, OpenContainers, AILimit

    It also appeared to happen with only realism mod installed and on all weapons I tested it on so far (SKS, TOZ, MP5, MP153). Before the jump to 3.7.0 muzzle strikes worked fine and if I replicate the settings I used on that version 1:1 it functions as expected without taking damage, same by using all default settings so it's gotta be related to some setting I changed right. I'm outta time for today but I'll try to see if I can figure out which setting is causing it tomorrow.

    There's a funky issue with Melee on the TOZ-106:
    Using Melee at default settings by holding melee and releasing it after drawing the weapon all the way back damages the player's left arm. Haven't found it with anything else thus far but I doubt this hitbox issue is limited to that one weapon.

    Oh I see, taking into account the group number it functions as expected, iirc my initial tests all had large groups spawn right when the cooldown triggered so it looked like more bots spawned than they should.

    Reducing max bots before cooldown on your side would be nice, I did one preset and already wanna die from all the manual editing. The min distance is still kinda iffy and I have a hard time testing for that since I can't tell exactly where the bots spawn.

    Do any of the two mods change boss spawn timing btw? When I did runs on woods earlier Shturman and his guards would spawn around me when I was in the Sawmill after clearing it beforehand.

    Posting here because I think it's an important issue many are experiencing: It seems like Cool Down Timer in the Donuts F12 setting is broken.

    I observed bot spawns at a couple locations to find one that's very concentrated and found Shoreline Pier to be perfect (Lab around the right staircase to the basement in main and Reserve on the bottom floor of black pawn as well but less controllable without bots in test mode from realism mod).

    This was with live-like presets chosen at random until I hit one that concentrated spawns around that area.

    Bots spawned consistently within the timeframe given in the pattern config file, but did so while I was on the pier, in one case less than 20 meters away from me. Furthermore cooldown from the F12 menu had absolutely no effect, even setting it to 600 bots spawned in waves that were only ~2:30 to 3 minutes apart. This is 100% where the feeling of overspawning bots comes from, clearing one wave there's barely enough time to loot before the next one spawns right on top of you if you're in a spawn zone, ignoring the MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer config option. The bots then beeline it straight to the player if currently looting a body, or say repacking ammo from mags a bot carried due to how far they can hear that sound from, leading to an endless loop until the player moves away far enough for the spawns to stop.

    As an aside, BotTriggerDistance seems to work as expected, bots spawn in consistently once the spawn point is approached to the given distance in meters.

    I was using SPT 3.6.1, updated Realism Mod 0.9.2->0.10.0 (left this at 0.10.0 the whole time), FOV Fix 0.7.2->0.7.4 (reverted this back to 0.7.2 and took the config from that)

    Edit: I wanted to provide both the reverted config that works and a config generated by the new version that doesn't work, but am now unable to replicate the issue lmao. They're attached anyway but there's no real point since I can't seem to mess it up again.

    Does anyone have a reliable fix for the issue where sensitivity gets screwed up in that aiming increases sensitivity instead of reducing it every time client is restarted?

    I did 2 full clean reinstalls of the whole thing now and it still resets to weird sensitivity with F12 settings being ignored on each restart. Load Order is attached, if any further info is needed I can provide.

    Edit2: A temporary, if annoying, fix is deleting the config in bepinex/plugins every single launch and redoing all settings, for some reason it works when the config is created by the game from scratch instead of already being there.

    Edit3: For some reason reverting to the SPT version I had before updating Realism and FOVfix to the current versions and taking the config file from that one into the updated version fixed everything. I'd play around more to isolate the issue, but it took me 3 hours to even get to this point so I'll stop here.

    Thank you very much, testing it a couple times it feels much better, somehow the bots must be consistently lazering for the A Zone.

    As such it appears to be a bot issue and not a realism mod issue, although the weird armor pen with low tier ammo is still there.

    To clarify, I turned off both armor hit zones and body hit zones

    Reposting here because it feels more appropriate:

    Is there some adjustment I can make within the mod to either have Bots use less powerful ammo, or nerf Thorax damage?

    Looking back through my past deaths it's 60%+ 80% (changed since my deaths yesterday and today were 9 thorax onetaps and one headshot) frontal onetaps to the Thorax even while wearing GOST 5 Armor like Korund-VM. Basically any shot that penetrates the armor is a kill and that pushes fights from tense and dangerous to unreasonably risky with the AI settings I wanna use. This is not a new thing btw.

    What I'm hoping to tune the game for Thorax hits to only be a onetap when they actually hit the A Zone and penetrate armor properly.