Posts by marblestone

    You're writing insane angry rants over the fact that you didn't realize that the meds do remove the pain effect, and now you're justifying this anger because you don't like the word I used for it, and you started off with saying "can you explain this bullshit", which is why I called you childish. I literally explain the mechanic in the overview page which you clearly didn't check.

    How could you expect anyone to respond positively to you if this is the way you interact with people? I edited my comment because I felt it was needlessly antagonistic but now I realise it was justified. If you're going out of your way to screenshot SPT support thread posts and build some insane narrative around your inability to read then you need to seek help.

    Okay. Listen. If I'll be polite, as from now on, will you answer my questions? All I want is to get a calm and clear answer about «Why sedative?», and «Will there be the listed 'pain relief effect' in the future, with specified time in seconds?».

    I came.

    You came in here... And I came too, honey.

    Yes. I came. The fact that you, as the creator of the mod, don't explain something because "it hurts when some random internet person seems rude to me..." doesn't change your seeming misunderstanding of the "sedation" term. It looks just... Funny, I guess.

    > or simply just test the items

    Yes. I've tested the items. And it's just fine, thank you for considering me an idiot. The pain relief is present. It's not about «How it works». It's about «Why sedation? It's confusing, especially without specifying the duration.»

    And, as I mentioned, sedation ain't the same thing as a pain relief. I hope you will come up with something to correct this confusing use of terminology.

    1. Sedation works by influencing the central nervous system to induce a state of relaxation, drowsiness, and reduced awareness. Including awareness of injuries of course, but sedation doesn't completely numb the pain.
    2. Pain relief specifically refers to reducing or eliminating the sensation of pain, by targeting pain receptors, altering pain signals. But withoud any relaxation, sleepiness and etc.

    > Morphine is a natural drug, opioid, sedating effect...

    Yes. It is. I agree that morphine is both a sedative and a painkiller.

    However, "ashktually" as if anyone cares, when it comes to analgin (metamizole), what is the case? How does this medication also have a sedating effect?

    Metamizole (and Ibuprofen, by the way) has no sedating effect; it's just a painkiller. Yeah I can go on and mention that Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, that is used to relieve pain, fever, inflammation and blah-blah... But the only type of pain we've in Tarkov is the pain in the shot ass, so it dosn't really matter which type of pain it relieves. It's a painkiller. Not a sedative.

    We came.

    > You could have just apologised and gotten your answer but you doubled down.

    Yeah. That's right. I could. But y'know, I'm not the one who started comparing your behavior to a child-ish and I don't see me starting with insults to your ability to think straight or smth. So I think you started this by saying literally: «Is "sedative" too big a word for you?». And I don't understand what is wrong with you. Saying «bullshit», I didn't mean that you're stupid.

    Y'know, I think it's hypocritical to edit posts just to remove insults...


    If you had wanted to help me to understand your choice, you would have explained me everything from the beginning despite my «««rudeness»»», even if you're calling me stupid somewhere in between. But you didn't explain it then and you still don't, and because I have already outlined my understanding of sedation term, I'm more inclined to think that this is an incorrect use of terminology that no one wants to admit.

    If it's important to you:

    Alright. Alright. We're all human and we all make mistakes. It's our nature. No offence. I apologize for coming across as rude to you, sweetheart. Don't take things personally,your mod is good.

    Of course, it would be nice for you to apologize for your nice words too, but since I really don't give a fuck (I mean, I'm not offended) - bygones. All I'm looking for is understanding the choices other people make and maybe helping them choose the correct one. So I would be glad to get an explanation of your choice of terminology.

    Well if you weren't being rude you would have gotten an answer.

    Yeeah... So it's true what they say about you, though. Well, I'm glad about that.

    I'm sure you will need this for your future updates, so go on, take your time.

    «hey look I'm bigger and smarter that that childish moron and I can't see the difference between sedation and pain management (maybe idk)'.txt»

    Meanwhile, tramadol and adrenaline:

    What is the difference between the sedative effect of everything else and the pain relief listed in the description of these two?

    Don't get me wrong. I love this mod, and you are doing a great job. However, I really hate it when something changes, and I can't figure out why it's this way instead of another. (I'm tired of searching through the messages here, looking for the explanation.)