Posts by Akirano69

    Your server (specifically realism mod) tried to adjust the weighting of the `.300 Blackout BCP FMJ` cartridge and failed

    Undo any manual changes you've made,

    Make sure realism is updated, if it is, check its the support page and see if anyone else has experienced the same issue

    I've tried fully removing Realism mod and installing the last uploaded one
    and it still has the same error and ai not spawning...
    anyways i removed it completely and now everything works
    Thanks for pinpointing the mod that was causing the issue.

    had the same issue, did a reinstall and still getting no ai in my raids (sometimes boss spawns) and that's it
    tried removing mods that play around with ai and the spawns itself, doesn't seem to help

    also there's the realism mod config

    and the errors after just loading into factory