Posts by quesonuke

    Bitcoin miners are throwing an error on my server. Please see attached log excerpts.

    [2024-08-31T21:11:03.079Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Value')

    [2024-08-31T21:11:03.082Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Value')

    [2024-08-31T21:11:03.081Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Value')

    at consumeFuelLogic (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\logic\crypto\updateMiners.ts:72:22)

    at updateMinerS19Logic (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\logic\crypto\updateMiners.ts:230:17)

    at updateMiners (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\logic\crypto\updateMiners.ts:344:13)

    at Timeout._onTimeout (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\mod.ts:671:29)

    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17)

    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7)

    [2024-08-31T21:11:03.083Z] error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Value')

    at consumeFuelLogic (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\logic\crypto\updateMiners.ts:72:22)

    at updateMinerS19Logic (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\logic\crypto\updateMiners.ts:230:17)

    at updateMiners (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\logic\crypto\updateMiners.ts:344:13)

    at Timeout._onTimeout (F:\SPT 3.9.4\user\mods\pes7-sashahimik-0.6.1\src\mod.ts:671:29)

    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17)

    at processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7)

    Absolutely man, glad to help in any way I can. Absolutely understand not implementing it, I would never expect a mod dev to go to exhaustive lengths to serve my tangled mess of mods but figured a report couldn't hurt.

    I may indeed look into building a small compatibility patch at some point as long as you guys are both okay with it. I'll absolutely reach out for some pointers if that's something you're cool with as well, thank you for that offer!

    As for the zoom levels that is exactly the case. Love the variable zoom feature but the unfortunate part is that FOV Fix currently breaks focal planes for scopes and I wouldn't even know where to begin to attempt to remedy that. Meant to clarify I am still on a 3.8.0 install so maybe my report is unnecessary as that's quite old at this point.

    If the issue is still around in whatever iteration of 3.9.x I eventually install I'll definitely get to work on a patch mod.

    Thanks for the reply man, keep up the incredible work!

    Hey hey, I am aware you guys don't support editing .jsons and I am fully aware of the risks, but I just wanted to report a potential fix for compatibility with FOV Fix and the ATACR 4-16, due to the way the .json is written FOV Fix will get stuck on the 10x step of magnification. I'll list my fix below, hopefully this isn't stepping out of line. I will also report to FOV Fix's author. I have been patching up small issues like this in my install for a while so hopefully this isn't too incoherent. If this is something you have no interest in, feel free to delete or ignore.

    In SPT 3.8.x\user\mods\EpicRangeTime-Weapons\db\Items\Scopes there is a line representing zoom levels, it lists 4, 10, and 16. Delete the line containing the 10 to open up the full magnification of the scope for use with FOV Fix. I'll list the relevant lines below.


    "Prefab": {

                    "path": "Mods/SCOPES/nf4-16f1.bundle",

                    "rcid": ""


                "Weight": 0.850,

                "ModesCount": [



                "Zooms": [








    "Prefab": {

                    "path": "Mods/SCOPES/nf4-16f1.bundle",

                    "rcid": ""


                "Weight": 0.850,

                "ModesCount": [



                "Zooms": [






    Edit: This applies to all scopes with multiple magnification stages, just tested and deleting all magnifications but min and max have fixed all the scopes in regards to FOV Fix variable zoom. I also removed the extra sensitivity stages on the relevant scopes just in case they might cause issues.

    Thank you for all your hard work bringing the best items available in the game to us!